The kids had a great time anyway. Ok, so did I… playing with Legos. I used to love Legos as a kid. I still have my set somewhere in that Abyss that is the basement. They only had Lego Duplo blocks before. But those huge things suck for real building. Now they have 4 full sets of REAL Legos and building boards.:) And boy did we build! I would have taken pics, but Destructo 1 and Destructo 2 kept attacking.
I have a rule when it comes to Santa. Santa gets 1 or 2 gifts per kid max under the tree. The rest all come from the true purchaser! Mostly ME!! Yes, I want my damn credit! All of it. 🙂 So, the boys got bikes from Santa. They also got Batman toys, new boots, and a bunch of other stuff that I cannot even remember right now. I just know it is spread all over my family room.
The girls “big ticket item” was MP3 players, from me… not Santa. I bought some $27 ones from, but I must say that these things kinda suck (separate review coming on those when I have time). I have already requested a RMA to return them and got them some Off-brand iPod Touch knock-offs that I heard good things about on Ebay. They got things for doing crafts, their own trains for our Geotrax set so that they do not have to fight over trains with the boys, and other stocking stuffers and odds and ends.
By the end of they day, I was exhausted! Santa (me) was up late wrapping gifts. Alexis kept waking up because her cough was driving her nuts, and she kept coming to tell me “I can’t fall asleep”. I was getting pretty darn sleepy myself and I knew that I would probably not make it too long. So I revised my plan and when she went back to bed I hid all of the stuff in the guest room so that if she got up again I could just run out and close the door.
Of course it is cold as heck outside, so we let the kids ride their bikes in the basement for a bit. They rode around and around. Well ok, the boys got pushed mostly. They road their little “motorcycles”, and pulled each other in their wagon.
I got it all done and it all turned out great! But why is it that after Christmas I always think about more stuff that I still want to buy for them??
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Tracy DeLuca
Oh, it looks like they were happy! I always find the best things AFTER Christmas and kick myself for not getting them. LOL I also only let Santa give my kids a few things. They get stockings and one item from Santa. The rest is from me. Cause I paid for it! LOL
.-= Tracy DeLuca´s last blog ..Exciting Times =-.
Tracy DeLuca
Oh, it looks like they were happy! I always find the best things AFTER Christmas and kick myself for not getting them. LOL I also only let Santa give my kids a few things. They get stockings and one item from Santa. The rest is from me. Cause I paid for it! LOL
.-= Tracy DeLuca´s last blog ..Exciting Times =-.