Well not actually money in this case, but gift cards. I have been toting around 3 gift cards probably for the past 3 years. I had no clue if they were still worth anything, or just blank ones that I held on to for some reason. Yesterday I checked the balances on each and I was pleasantly surprised! I am SO glad that legislation finally did pass a law to prohibit stores from declining the value of gift cards. It should not matter when it was given to you, just like money does not expire, neither should the gift card. Not all stores and states have complied yet, but soon they will have no choice.
So anyway, I have a Body Shop card, Bath & Body Works card, and a Home Depot card. To my surprise the 2 “body” cards are each worth $30 each and the Home Depot card is worth $50. I spent a little bit of the Bath & Body works one yesterday on some new fragrance, lotion, and shower gel. I look forward to using the Home Depot card to knock some $$ off a Honeywell whole house humidifier that I need desperately. If anyone knows how to install one, let me know. 🙂
Now if only I can find a roll of money hiding somewhere…
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