About 2 weeks ago I was invited to have tea with Oprah. Ok.. well not really, she was not there, but I did have tea with a bunch of awesome mommy bloggers, and the wonderful staff The Oprah Store.
I have actually tried to get on Oprah’s show as a guest twice. The first time was to pitch a story about online mom’s striking up friendships and supporting each other through miscarriage, problems conceiving children, family tragedy, etc. Myself and 20 or so other friends wrote Oprah a letter, and I inserted everyone’s signatures at the bottom which they had all scanned and emailed to me. I want to say the year was maybe… 2001 or 2002. I thought the idea rocked, but… being an online mom wasn’t quite as popular then. Oprah never called. đŸ™‚
The next time my husband submitted my name for being the mom of 2 sets of twins. But again… having 2 sets of twins was not so cool. Oprah never called. đŸ™‚
But since then you see those types of shows on ALL THE TIME! Hey Oprah… call me! LOL!!
Anyway, back to tea at the The Oprah Store! The store is full of some of Oprah’s favorite things. There are nik naks, a variety of mugs, umbrellas, clothes, jammies, books, magnets, statues, purses, pens and more.
There were some great giveaways, gourmet tea from Talbott’s in the most interesting flavors! Things like lemon meringue, caramel sundae escape, and blissful blueberry.
There were goodies from Karyn’s Raw Cafe. Karyn told us a bit about her 2 restaurants, and her secret to staying young… eating raw. She is 63 years old, and looks amazing! And of course, get a bunch of mom bloggers together and there is great conversation.
We even got interviewed. I chose to talk about my favorite thing in the store, the wonderful plush socks.
If you are a fan of Oprah, especially the “favorite things” shows, you will love this store.
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Kris Cain
Now that would be COOL! đŸ™‚
That was so COOL! She'll be calling you soon.