I’m lucky enough to have a job where I don’t have to dress “corporate” every day. I’m in IT, so jeans and t-shirts, or a nice shirt are normal wear around the office. I have built up quite a collection of printed shirts, shirts from events, shirts from contests, or shirts with cool sayings on them.
I do dress up on weekends if I have somewhere to go. But why dress nice to sit in a cube all day and not be seen?? 🙂 I get out my “fashion need” by keeping my nails and toes nicely manicured. I put on nice sandals, and accessories, and I’m set!
I’m thinking about doing a post every Friday with a photo of me or my kids in one of our cool t-shirts. :0) Â We’ll see which one I start with this Friday.
I am always looking for a cool new custom t-shirt, especially for my kids. And they love them! As I was looking around the web I found some others that share my addiction. Death by T-shirt is a whole blog dedicated to T-shirt love! My addiction is not that bad yet. 🙂 Hmm…. I don’t have many sports t-shirts since I don’t really pay attention to sports anymore. I stopped caring when the Bulls and the Bears started losing. 🙂
Do you have an addiction to a particular piece of clothing?
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