Say it with me “I will not start another project until I finish the current one.” What is it with us Type-A types?? I guess this would be why I was at the Type-A Mom Conference huh?? We can never have enough going on. I currently have way too much on my plate. But you know what? I like it that way. It would not be right to have nothing to do. I LOVE having projects. And usually, I get them done. But sometimes obstacles get in the way. I have a habit of always saying “Yes.” “Yes, I can build your website.” “Yes, I can do the photography at your party.” And before you know it I have a back log of things. This causes “The endless catchup”. As soon as I mark one thing off the To Do List, 3 more get added! I need to clone myself. Any tips? 🙂
I have 3 sites that I need to build for my own brand and I just can’t seem to focus and get it done. I have a long list of things that I would love to write about for this site, but there is just never enough time! There are a couple of reviews that I need to do that i just cannot wrap my head around. Sigh…And of course there’s work (real work), kids, house work. AHH!!! I know you all feel my pain. 🙂 I just need to win the lottery.
Actually, it is 4 sites. Ugh!
Seriously though. I need to refocus (yet again), seems like I am always talking about refocusing doesn’t it?? But I’m serious this time. This year is just about over already! Only 2 months left. And by the end of this year I plan to have my act together and know where I am going. Cause I’m telling you, 2011 is going to be my year!
There, I said it. I put it out in the public. Now that means that I need to make it happen. LOL!!!
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