We all remember the Rubik’s Cube from when we were younger. It was fun, it was colorful… and it was frustrating! Unless of course you had that one with the stickers on it. Then you just took them off and rearranged them. LOL!! Eventually they got smart and stopped making them with removable stickers.
I can proudly say that I remember solving the puzzle a couple of times. 🙂
Rubik is back with a brand new version of the puzzle. The Rubik’s Slide by Techno Source! I can’t wait to see my girls try this one! Kids still have the patience for this type of stuff! But sometimes as adults we have lost our patience for such things in the mist of work and home stuff. But every now and then it’s nice to wrap your brain around something like this.
Also, they have just released the Rubik’s Slide iPhone App! Now that one I could REALLY see getting addicted to since my phone is always with me.
Check out this video to see just how cool and addictive it can be.
Want to try it?? Win one of each now!
The Giveaway
One lucky winner will win 1 Rubik’s Slide Game + a FREE code redeemable for the full version Rubik’s Slide Game from the App store.
How to Win (Required):
1. Just leave a comment telling me if you owned a Rubik’s cube
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Want to win cool prizes? Check @littletechgirl’s 12 days of Xmas Giveaways! http://bit.ly/littletechgirl
Reminder: All giveaways will run until Midnight on Christmas Eve when I will choose and announce the winners.
If you don’t win here, or you just want to buy these items for yourself, the Rubik’s Slide game is available for around $18 from Amazon.com. The iPhone App is $2.99 in the App Store.
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I never owned a rubiks cube
GFC follower: pinklady705
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Lorrie R.
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had one but never figured it out
braaisjo at gmail dot com
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braaisjo at gmail dot com
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braaisjo at gmail dot com
Yes I had a Rubik’s cube and I never did solve it.
braaisjo at gmail dot com
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We do not have one buy I know I did when I was little!
Tweeted (https://twitter.com/#!/kathie78/status/18087640549036032)
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I owned a Rubik’s Cube when I was younger. Still can’t solve it.
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I’d like this just to have something else to add to my addictions until the kids steal it.
Here’s my tweet – http://twitter.com/#!/shala_darkstone/status/17773732982423553
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Hi, yes I had a Rubik’s Cube and I could solve it in about a minute.
I tweeted about this here: http://twitter.com/#!/alee67/status/17418916846379009
I tweeted about this here: http://twitter.com/#!/alee67/status/17418916846379009
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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Karen Medlin
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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Karen Medlin
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
Yes, I have one on a key chain, I work on it when I am waiting for the kids
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
Yes, I have one on a key chain, I work on it when I am waiting for the kids
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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I did have a Rubik’s cube but I never was able to figure it out. I would love to try again
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I have owned many rubik’s cubes 🙂
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I owned several throughout my childhood! Once I solved it i wouldn’t let anyone touch it hence getting a new one and starting all over! This one looks like so much fun and as i read it I am sitting in wonder thinking man could this keep at least one of my kids busy for more than 10 minutes without me hearing mom!
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I had a Rubik’s Cube when I was a kid and my children got on a couple of years ago.
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I owned one as a kid and loved it.
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I have owned and currently own a Rubik’s Cube.
I already subscribe to your blog via email.
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I have owned and currently own a Rubik’s Cube.
My son had one years ago. I never had any luck solving tho.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
My son had one years ago. I never had any luck solving tho.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
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Yes I owned a Rubik’s cube. Never could get it right though. 🙂
Husband is rubiks master