Western Digital has been really good to us in this giveaway. Up for grabs this time is a whopping 1TB Passport Essential SE. I need this! Nope, I don’t have one yet, so you get it before me!!! Even though I have not reviewed the 1TB version, it can only be better than the 500mb. Why? Because like the last WD giveaway this version is ready to go with not only USB 2.0, but USB 3.0 as well. So, if you are getting a shiny new computer for Christmas equipped with USB 3.0, this drive will be ready to handle it!
Just imagine how much music, movies, and photos you can save!
The Giveaway
One lucky winner will receive ONE Western Digital 1TB Passport Essential SE.
How to Win (Required):
1. Leave a comment telling me how you currently back up your computer.
Extra entries (Optional):
2. LIKE this blog on Facebook
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6. Tweet the following:
Want to win cool prizes? Check @littletechgirl’s 12 days of Xmas Giveaways! LAST DAY! Don’t miss out http://bit.ly/littletechgirl
Reminder: All giveaways will run until Midnight on Christmas Eve when I will choose and announce the winners.
The 1TB Passport Essential SE is available from Amazon.com for $119.
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Richard / Krabbman
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Richard / Krabbman
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Richard / Krabbman
I currently back up my computer to a 250GB external hard drive. Unfortunately, since it is packed with all my pics and videos, everyone in my family always wants to ‘borrow’ it, so I need to let that one go, and start anew with larger space that is MINE.
Richard / krabbman
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We back up to an external right now…thanks!
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My computer backs itself up by calendar day. K Oglesby
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I don’t currently back up my computer, that’s why I need to win this! 🙂 Thanks for the chance!
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I currently back up my computer to a 4.7 gb dvd on a monthly basis.
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How do I delete my duplicate comments? Sorry!
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We use an external and I make sure both home computers have sync’d files.
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I use a 2G flash drive.
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Lorrie R.
Oh how I hate to admit it, I don’t have a way that I back up my computer. 🙁
i have to use cds, this would be awesome!
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We currently back up on several small external hard drives- would be awesome to have a nice big one 🙂
I’m an email subscriber via angieangel14 at hotmail dot com.
Angela L.
lasitera at yahoo dot com
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Angela L.
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lasitera at yahoo dot com
I currently use a 320GB external hard drive to back up all of my pictures and important files, but I don’t backup my entire computer.
Thanks for hosting!!
Angela L.
lasitera at yahoo dot com
We have an external hard drive that we back up our computer on every Monday, and then I take the back up to my work so that if there is a fire we don’t lose it all.
Tweeted 12/24:
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I backup using a small external hard drive. This would be great to have.
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I’m trying to do Mozy but my music alone is taking so long.
I back up my computer with lots and lots of CD’s. My husband took our only hard drive with him to Afghanistan, so in the mean time its just me and our DVDs
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We back our computer up on external hard drives…but we are constantly needing more room.
I mainly use online storage. Definitely not efficient.
OK, and if I actually read… I back up the computer with a remote back up in the basement. Definitely need something separate.
All I have is a little 4GB flash drive. So, I don’t actually back anything up right now.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
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I need storage!! Please!
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I currently back up to an external hard drive
We have an apple time machine but it’s already full!!!!! Help! 😀
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I back-up my important files online. I simply upload them as attachment to my GMail account and then send that file back to the same account. I know it is a little bit tedious but it gets the job done thus far. This external harddrive would help a lot in easing the pain of going through that process all over again.
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I have ‘Like’-d you on Facebook. If I could Like you a million more times I would! Awesome giveaway!
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WANT. *swoons*
I really store everything on a portable hard drive, so my 400gb one seems to be filling up fast with all those giant pics I take.
I dont backup , I lose lol
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I don’t currently back it up. I probably should seeing how I work from home..lol
I mostly use CDs, DVDs or flash drives
I don’t back-up my computer but just recently I realized that I need to. My computer is very slow, so I have been deleting some things. If I win this, it will make it so much easier. I really need something to store my pics..I love taking pics. I am already a follower on facebook so I liked this blog. I don’t tweet. I already have subscribed too. Happy Holidays!!
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following you blog in my google reader! woot!
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I don’t backup! It got me in trouble last month. I had to have my computer fixed and lost a lot of business because my files were not backed up!
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I mainly copy important files between my desktop and laptop, and copy some of the most important files to flash drives.
I don’t back it up….horrible yes but I have nothing to back it up to…
I also follow you on Twitter (@amandapersists)
Thanks again!!
I like LittleTechGirl.com on Facebook (Amanda Davis) Thank you!
I save all of my important files/photos/videos/ and music on DVD’s – really not convenient at all which is why I’m entering to win!! Thanks so much for the chance!!
back up? i’ve never backed up my stuff. haha if something goes wrong with my computer, it’s bye bye files. so now i’d use this just in case I win! 😀
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Carolyn White Gates
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I have no way to backup right now so this would really be handy.
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I currently back up to an external – but oh boy, could I ever use a bigger one! Not a good habit!!! TOO many pictures!
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I use CD’s/DVD’s. Pathetic I know lol
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My husband has all the files backed up on an external drive. You can always use more storage/
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I backup online, but I can’t seem to access it, so who knows?!
I tweeted 12/23:
Oh how I NEED the 1TB WD Passport Essential SE!
I currently do not backup my data on a regular basis – and then only manually when I do. I know better – have been in IT for 20+ years (kinda like the old story of the shoe maker’s kids that have no shoes).
I backup my husband’s data via Mozy nightly and then do a manual backup to weekly to network storage — but I do not have a HDD large enough to backup my own data.
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I currently back up to an external hard drive, but I’ve filled both of them so I need more space!