In June I attended the Type-A Parent Conference in Asheville, NC. While there, I always take pics (of course), and I sometimes do videos of some attendees that I want to interview. This year, since I knew that I had to review the Flixlab app, I used my iPhone to shoot all video as well as take some snapshots here and there to include in my sample slideshow which you can see below. I made this one short for the purposes of this review, but I could have opted to not shorten the video length in which case all scenes would be full. And used a few different clips + stills. It was almost too easy.
So far, I love what I have seen with this app. It is easy to use and has a lot of features for a mobile video editing app. Features include:
The interface is well made and actually invites you to play with it. The front screen shows easy to find buttons “Make a Movie”, “Shoot Video”, and more. You can easily edit your account, invite friends to share, or check out your existing movies. There is even a listing of hot videos on the Flixlab site.
- Inserting video clips and photos from your camera roll
- Adding transitions such as card wipe, fade to black, push left, swap, and more
- The addition of transition specifically for holidays and special occasions
- The ability to add background music
- the ability to adjust the length of the movie
The “gimic” behind Flixlab is that the app stays small because all of the cool processing is done in the background, or in the cloud. This is awesome for keeping your valuable phone space, and awesome for sharing. But, this also means that you need to have a great signal for it to work smoothly. I was warned ahead of time that trying to do this over 3G might prove challenging. 🙂 But, when on Wi-Fi it worked great.
I also love that you do not have to immediately upload your video anywhere. There is also the option of just saving it into your film roll. From there you can copy it to your computer, upload it to YouTube, or just carry it around on your phone to share in person.
The creators call Flixlab ” a revolutionary new social video platform”. That about sums it up. You can do more than just create video. You can immediately share your movies on your Facebook wall. The integration is really cool. You can even tag friends right in the app.
- Great features
- Easy to use
- Lots of options
- Be careful using the video length feature with video. It might cut important words out of your dialog. 🙂
- Must have a good internet connection to use the app. A couple of times I got a timeout error and message that my video could not be uploaded. Make sure that you are on Wi-Fi.
1. After you check out the info above on Flixlab, leave a comment telling me how you currently edit your smartphone videos (if at all!)
2. LIKE Flixlab on Facebook.
Additional Entries (Optional)
3. Download the FREE Flixlab app from the App Store. Make a quick video (no longer than 30 seconds or so), upload it to your FB wall, and share it over on the Flixlab wall. Make sure to tell them that I sent you.
4. LIKE LittleTechGirl on Facebook.
5. Subscribe to my RSS Feed.
6. Follow Flixlab on Twitter.
The contest will run until Monday, August 22, 2011 at 11:59 pm.
Cat Davis @ 3 Kids and Us
I follow you on twitter @3kidsandus
Cat Davis @ 3 Kids and Us
Right now I use the iMovie app on my iPhone to edit videos. Liked Fixlab as Catherine Davis
Flixlab on Twitter.(LuckyDuckyToo)
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I’m an email subscriber.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
LIKE LittleTechGirl on Facebook.(Mari Doug)
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
LIKE Flixlab on Facebook. (Mari Doug)
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I don’t edit our videos! I am low tech. My my dh currently uses aunsoft converter.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
sindy murray
follow Fixlab on twitter
sindy murray
like you on FB! Sindy murray
sindy murray
RSS Feed subscriber!
sindy murray
like Fixlab on FB!
sindy murray
I don’t edit!:(
I load videos from my Blackberry onto my Mac, convert with ffmpegx, and then edit with iMovie.
Terrance Gaines
Oh, and I liked Flixlab on Facebook
Terrance Gaines
I need to stop trying to edit my mobile videos. I get too picky and never finish. Needless to say I’ve got a bunch of videos sitting my phone as works in progress. Maybe with Flixlab, I may actually get my movies off of my iPhone and on my family’s blog?
I follow you on my Google RSS.
I currently use the default camera app on my iphone. Flixlab sounds much better!
subscribed to your RSS feed
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liked flixlab on FB
i haven’t done a video on my phone yet 🙁
Krystal Moore
I follow Flixlab on FB.
Krystal Moore
I like LittleTechGirl on FB.
Krystal Moore
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Krystal Moore
I usse Flixlab when I edit my videos on my phone.
Reena Jacobs
I follow your RSS feed through Feedburn.
ReenaJacobs at ReenaJacobs dot com
Reena Jacobs
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@ReenaJacobs:disqus ReenaJacobs at ReenaJacobs dot com
Reena Jacobs
I like LittleTechGirl on Facebook.
ReenaJacobs at ReenaJacobs dot com
Reena Jacobs
I liked Flixlab on Facebook
ReenaJacobs at ReenaJacobs dot com
Reena Jacobs
I don’t have a phone which uses applications. I’ve had cut videos though, using Windows Movie Maker and Pinnacle Studio. ReenaJacobs at ReenaJacobs dot com
I subscribe to your feed.
Peace, Love and Chocolate,
I like you on fcaebook.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
I like Flixlab on Facebook.
Peace, Love and Chocolate,
I use splice, I’m a dope.
Peace, Love and Chocolate,
I’m already an RSS subscriber via Yahoo reader.
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I follow Flixlab on Twitter (roomofmyown)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I also like you on FB (Amber H)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I’ve yet to edit smartphone videos…until now that is. Flixlab is awesome, I am now hooked!! Like on FB (Amber H) – Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I already follow @flixlab!
I’m a FB fan!
I haven’t done much video on my phone but I downloaded the FlixLab app!
Follow Flixlab on Twitter.@tcarolinep
RSS Feed. subscriber
LIKE LittleTechGirl on Facebook.
jessiekatie S
LIKE Flixlab on Facebook.
jessiekatie S
I don’t do edit on videos
Elizabeth Pyo
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Elizabeth Pyo
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Elizabeth Pyo
I follow Flixlab on twitter (@babypyo)
Elizabeth Pyo
I already like Flixilab on fb
Elizabeth Pyo
So neat! My phone doesn’t have the capability. yes i haven’t upgraded to the iphone 4 yet.. i think hubs is getting it for me for my birthday this saturday!! so i’ll let you know after i create some vids of baby on it~
I don’t edit my videos.
Amy P
I like you on FB.
Amy P
I like Flixlab on FB.
Amy P
Unfortunately, I don’t have a smartphone…hoping to get one for my bday!
I like Little Tech Girl on Facebook.
I like flixlab on facebook
I don’t even attempt to edit the videos on my phone. I pretty much leave them as is. Not the best.
Neil T.
Honestly, the camera on my Android phone (a low end LG Thrive) doesn’t really have a very good camera so I don’t use it much….if ever.
Neil T.
Honestly, the camera on my Android phone (a low end LG Thrive) doesn’t really have a very good camera so I don’t use it much….if ever.
tequila burns
Following Flixlab on Twitter!!
tequila burns
Subscribed to your RSS Feed.
tequila burns
I’m a fan on facebook!!
tequila burns
I have an Android phone 🙁 and I’ve never used my phone to make/edit videos sadly