I have posted before that I am an eBay junky. It is one of the first places that I head online when shopping. But, I also use it quite a bit to sell items. There is no better time to think about selling on eBay than when you need money. And with summer just about here, now is the time that families start to think about planning summer vacations. Kids are getting out of school, the weather is nice, and parents are searching for things to keep the kids busy.
As I embark on spring cleaning and decluttering I am thinking about the money that I will put away for a some backyard items for the summer. My yard has been pretty much a blank slate since we moved in back in 2006. My kids were small and I was working full time and just did not have the time or energy to do any projects back there. We have a nice deck, but that was really it. The rest is a 100 ft by 80 ft field of grass which has slowly been taken over by weeds. But, this year I woke up and decided to do something about it. I have a few plans, but of course I have to fund my projects. I have already started by replacing my very, very well used grill, replacing some torn patio chairs, and I even *completed* a patio project. *Completed* is highlighted because I have decided that I want to make it even better. So, we will soon rework it a bit. I also want to add a 2-3 person swing, and so much more.
So… as I organize and clean up the rest of the house and find items that I no longer need, I will post them on eBay or eBay Classifieds and any proceeds will go into my “yard fund”. With my schedule the way that it is this summer I don’t think that a family vacation will be in the plans, but with an awesome yard we can have a staycation and be happy with it.
Some items that I am thinking of listing include:
- The kids outgrown clothes
- The double stroller that has been in my basement for 3 years
- A lot of various computer cords and adapters (yes, people do want that)
- A well used Coach purse
- A full-length leather coat that I have not worn in years
I’m sure that I could find quite a few more things to list. I need to walk around my house with my Android phone armed with the eBay Mobile app and just start listing!
The Giveaway
eBay wants to help fund your summer fun by giving you $100 to purchase something!
REQUIRED: To enter just leave a comment telling me the most recent item that you sold on eBay. How much did you make? You must include your eBay ID in order for it to be a valid entry!
OPTIONAL (Extra Entries): Tweet the following:
Win a $100 @eBay gift card to fund your summer fund from @LittleTechGirl https://littletechgirl.com/?p=8518 #giveaway
Contest will run until Friday, June 8 at 11:59 pm. Good luck!!!
Disclosure: This post is part of my participation in the compensation eBay Parent Panel Ambassador program.
I sold a jacket on ebay! I made about $15. – stefaniex143
this was a daily tweet?
Gosh… the last thing I sold has been quite some time ago… I think it was possibly a transmission that my husband had. I remember it went for more than it would have locally. On Ebay my ID is tanna*wings.
I left this comment on the blog post but it doesn't seem to be showing up:
Great contest! I love shopping and selling on eBay. The most recent item I sold was a new with tags Isabella Oliver green dress for $44. It was given to me as a gift but didn’t fit!
eBay ID: strmcooper.
fashionkitten03 (at) hotmail (dot) com.
Today's Tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com.
Today's Tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com.
ebay id: rounder375.
pokergrl8 at gmail.com.
The last item I sold on ebay was MAC dazzleglass. I made $21.50.
ebay id: rounder375.
pokergrl8 at gmail.com.
Today's Tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com.
I sold a vintage dress for $10 out of my closet, woo hoo! hunt_jump_rider_8702 scg00387 at yahoo dot com.
Tweeted http://twitter.com/chipdip2010/status/210017479848759299
I haven't made the jump to selling anything yet. I love buying there. My last two purchases were a steam cleaner that I love and a pair of great water/hiking shoes for my daughter (tutugirl0516).
Today's Tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com.
Tweet – https://twitter.com/nat5732/status/209754378750525441.
nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com.
Hmmm…the last thing I listed to sell on ebay (natalie5732) was some Mustella stretch mark cream – it did not sell so I am relisting and trying again! nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com.
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com.
I sold some Gymboree clothes that my daughter had outgrown for $35 (curlygirl1971). Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com.
tweeted https://twitter.com/ajoy1332/status/209503550437470208 ajoy1332 at yahoo dot com.
Some sandals..I made $15. ajoy1332-user id ajoy1332 at yahoo dot com.
Last thing I sold was a pair of shoes that hurt my feet SO BAD! I believe I made 60 bucks.
never sold on ebay about to list a purse though its worth alot so I hope we make some good money =) over $100.
Id: fallenkain.