Everyone has their opinions on must have gadgets. I’m sure you have one at the top of your list that you don’t now know you lived without it. We all do. From smartphones to tablets to kitchen gadgets, these things make our lives easier. If you are a busy mom this goes double. Then those gadgets not only keep us in line, but keep our kids busy, and sometimes keep us safe. The below post gives reason why 3 popular gadgets might be on your list.
Almost everyone enjoys getting a new gadget these days, but with so many different things on the market, it can be hard to determine where to spend your money. As a mother, there are certain gadgets that you will probably like more than others. Here are some of the top gadgets for moms:
1. iPad
The iPad is one of the most attractive gadgets for any mother. With the iPad, you gain access to the App Store, which has over 500,000 applications for you to download. For example, you can download applications that will help you with money management, saving money on shopping, and even tracking your workouts. Most moms have a lot to accomplish, and the iPad is great for task management as well. If your kids need to be entertained, you can also give them the device to play some games on while you’re trying to get something done.
2. Kindle
The Amazon Kindle is another great device for moms everywhere. Most mothers need a break away from their kids from time to time, and what better way to spend your break than by enjoying a new book? One of the really nice things about using the Kindle is that it looks just like you are reading a book. You don’t have to strain your eyes by looking at a computer screen for hours to read. With its E-Ink technology, it looks just like a printed piece of paper.
3. Digital Video Monitor
Another really cool gadget that you may want to get as a mother is a digital video monitor. With a digital video monitor system, you can set up the camera in your child’s room, and the monitor in your room. You can simply look up at the monitor to see how your precious baby is doing while you are getting something else done. This is an ideal gadget to have when you have small children, as it allows you to check on your kids whenever you want.
Some of the more advanced models even have alarm systems on them that will alert you if the baby is trying to climb out of the crib or if a pet comes in.
With some of these gadgets, you should be able to more easily accomplish your motherly duties without all the hassle. Check some of them out on Accessory Geeks or at your local electronics store today.
I've heard of this new company starting up in November called Domeo products. They make these awesome iPad cases that are unlike any cases I have seen before. The website builds iPad cases that are great for home or office use. The case I am looking forward to the most is the one that raises up to your eye level. It would be so great for cooking in the kitchen or office use. Like I said, this company does not launch until November, but I would highly recommend checking them out! They are so awesome! Can't wait! Definitely check out domeoproducts.com.
Does anybody know anything about differing quality of waterproof iPhone cases? I am looking into Body Glove because they are cheap and seem pretty legit- would love to get a second-opinion!
Here is a link to their cases if you want to check ‘em out and let me know- thanks! http://www.bodyglovemobile.com