As bloggers, the most important thing to most of us is to know that someone is reading our posts. Despite what some think the saying “if you write it they will come” does not always work. If you want to get your content in front of eyes, you have to promote it. This could be something as simple as sending a tweet, or even telling someone “Hey, I wrote a post about that, you should check it out.” In other words, if you want people to read them, you have to promote your blog posts.
According to there are 30 ways to promote blog posts. They put together this snazzy infographic that lays it all out.
See also:
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore SEO
Are You a Blog Draft Hoarder?
Why You Should Care About Your Blog Stats
12 Tips to Bring New Life to Old Blog Posts
5 Free Tools to Help You Create Great Pinterest Images
A great list of suggestions. When I think about blogging and all that goes into it, sometimes it seems like a full-time job. 🙂 At least to run a successful blog. Will you be doing a post on blogger burnout?