As a mother to 2 sets of twins I worry about a lot. I want my kids to be healthy, happy, and smart. I want my boys to learn how to grow up to be awesome men and fathers. But one of the things that weighs heavily on my heart is making sure that my girls grow up knowing that they are awesome, beautiful, and intelligent. Dove and Kroger realize that society puts extra pressure on women and girls. We see images in the media that make us wonder if we are living up to the expectations that have been set for us. We wonder if we are pretty enough, if our hair is long enough, and if our bodies are fit enough. They have teamed up to launch the Dove Self-Esteem Project, to help girls with their self-esteem.
I don’t want my girls to worry about that. I want to make sure that they never shy away from doing what they want and setting high dreams because they don’t feel confident. It is reported that 6 in 10 girls may stop doing what they love because of anxiety about their looks. That is sad. As mothers we should be able to help.
Girls look up to their mothers. After all, it is from us that our daughters learn to become women. Sure, they may have other positive female role models in their lives including teachers, aunts, and family friends. But Mommy is always number one. It is our jobs to teach our girls how to grow up to become strong women.
I think that I am currently in a good position to help my girls realize their potential. As a woman in technology, I have overcome many odds. On my 9-5 job I was used to being one of the only women. And now in my entrepreneurial career I am striving to make a name for myself in a tech world dominated by men. My girls see what I do as fulfilling my dreams. They are always wide-eyed and eager to hear stories of my trips and opportunities. They love to share with me what they want to do when they get older. And I smile.
Of course things are not always perfect. Kids at the pre-teen age are susceptible to self-esteem issues as their bodies start to change. Their friends around them may notice things or say things. Or they just might feel unsure about how they are starting to look differently. And unfortunately bullying is a huge issue right now. Kids can get bullied for many different reasons: they may look different then other kids, they might be overweight, they might be a different nationality, they may be smart. Kids who bully will find a reason. Self-esteem can play a big part of that. Or… being bullied can certainly lower a child’s self-esteem. Mothers can help with that by building a strong foundation from the start. Helping your children understand that they are special, smart, and confident can go a long way to dictating how they may act when approached by a bully. Teach them that it is ok to be different, it is ok to be smart, it is ok to not dress like everyone else.
Consider hosting a Just Us Girls night with your daughter and some friends. Manicures, pedicures, and hair are just the start of what you could do. My girls love to lay in bed with me and watch the Golden Girls. LOL! What you do is totally up to you as long as your girls are happy.
If you are worried about your daughters self-esteem what can you do? Dove and Kroger have teamed up to help us figure that out. Download the Dove Self-Esteem Toolkit. You will get tips and ideas such as planning a spa day, decorating a boost book, fighting school jitters and more. Suggestions are personalized based on your daughter’s age and your role in her life. Check it out, and then join the conversation on Twitter at #GirlsUnstoppable.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Dove and Kroger via Global Influence. All opinions are my own.
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