I am a Netflix junkie. I have been a member since April 2010. So when I was asked to become a member of the Netflix Stream Team I was excited. As a member of the Netflix Stream Team I’ll be sharing info related to Netflix and tips to help you get the most out of your subscription.
I have thought many times about canceling my cable TV because I watch Netflix a lot more than I watch TV. However, for now I keep it around for the kids. But for true entertainment I turn to Netflix. We all know that there is an almost endless supply of movies on Netflix that I have not seen. Chances are that there are quite a few that you have not seen. There are several genres to choose from. Beside watching movies I love to find old TV series that I have never seen before. I am quite surprised at the number of great shows that I have missed.
Here are 10 of my favorite series to watch on Netflix. Of course there are many, many more great shows out there. I am making my way through then all! And hey even if you have seen them already watching them again is not a bad thing. Oh and beware… my favorite genre is sci-fi. Yes… I have a problem and probably need therapy. LOL!
1. LOST: Unless you have been under a rock, you have heard of LOST. The show is over now having lasted 6 seasons which is awesome for a sci-fi show. This show keeps you in a trance from the beginning. The show is about a group of plane crash survivors stranded on a remote island. Sounds simple, but strange things start to happen. When this show went off week after week we were left counting the days until the next airing. But… with the magic of Netflix you do not have to wait! You can watch episodes back to back until you cannot take anymore.
2. The X-Files: Many would argue that the X-Files is the best sci-fi show ever. It is certainly up there. Mulder and Scully lead us on adventure after adventure tracking strange phenomenon that keep us wondering if aliens really do exist. The show keeps you on your toes and routing for everything weird.
3. Doctor Who: What more can I say? I first discovered Doctor Who when I was a kid. The older version was fun. The show was awesome. The special effects? Not so much. LOL! However the new incarnation of the show has technology on its side. The awesome effects, the various stories, and the many versions of The Doctor that we have grown to love and crush on keep the show oh so interesting.
4. Fringe: This one is another that got an A+ from me and many, many others. This sci-fi show follows a special branch of the FBI that investigates the strangest cases you have ever seen. We love the characters from the first episode. And the very lovable Walter interjects plenty of comic relief into the show.
5. The Walking Dead: Zombies are the new black. LOL! This show is just really, really good. I am behind. But it is on my list to do to catch up very, very soon. My fiance comes over and watches it and I always have many questions because I’m lost! He is very anxious for me to catch up. LOL.
6. Supernatural: This is another great show if you like the weird. This one is different from the rest. It’s not vampires or aliens in this one. The bad guys and monsters in this sci-fi thriller are all based on the bibles. The eye-candy hunters in this show battle demons and bad angels. And it is so good!
7. The Vampire Diaries: This is the one that I just finished watching. I am now caught up to the current season. YEAH! If you love teenage vampires, this show is tops. There are plenty of twists and turns, romance, suspense, and a fair share of violence. Oh, and very cute guys (and girls!) LOL.
8. 666 Park Avenue: Another great demon show 666 Park Avenue includes one of our favorite actors from LOST. Terry O’Quinn is fantastic as the charismatic but evil lead on this show. Unfortunately as often happens with some of the best new sci-fi shows it was canceled after half a season. But, it is still worth watching. In fact, fans complained so much that ABC decided to air and make available the remaining episodes over the summer.
9. Firefly: Space, adventure, mayhem, and beyond. It is like a western in space. This show is full of interesting scenery, violence, and some of our fav actors from other shows. It is about 9 unlikely characters brought together who live on the ship, Serenity.
10. The 4400: If you like the Left Behind Series you will love the 4400. This is the story of 4400 people who disappear suddenly, and then return. Watching them adapt to modern times is intriguing. It makes you rethink your faith, your believe in the Bible, and much more.
These are just some of the great shows that I have watched on Netflix. There are still many, many, many to go! What are some of your favorites?
Disclosure: This post is part of my involvement as a Netflix #StreamTeam Member. All opinions are my own.
No mention of battlestar galactica?
Its the most highly reviewed modern sci fi available!
Oh absolutely Eric! I love BSG. I have watched the whole series TWICE! It was very hard keeping this list to 10, so I just did not include everything that I would have if it was a longer list. 🙂
Great picks! I’m a HUGE DW fan. Torchwood is a great follow-up if you love Harkness and the TW crossovers.
Have you checked out Haven yet?
Continuum is good too!I will have to give Firefly a try.
I think I watched maybe 2 episodes of Continuum and I gave up for some reason. I will have to give it another try.
I’m a Netflix junkie too. Some of my favorite shows are on your list! I also love Flash Forward, The Dollhouse, Eureka, Warehouse 13, Torchwood, The West Wing, Dexter, Weeds, Sons of Anarchy, The Riches, Six Feet Under, Orange is the New Black, The Killing, and Breaking Bad.
Sarah! I have watched and loved a few of those too. But I still need to watch some like Dexter for sure. And Breaking Bad. I see a lot of Netflix in my future. LOL!