I post a lot about internet security as it relates to browsing online, parental controls, and identity theft. But as the below articles tells us, we need to worry about keeping ourselves safe when shopping from our mobile as well. This is something that more and more people do from day to day. I placed an online order on my mobile just this morning. We may not think about our smartphones being easily hackable, but the fact of the matter is that is IT something that we have to worry about and protect ourselves from.
Mobile commerce is expected to hit the $31 billion mark by 2016 and with the huge amount of businesses now offering mobile payment options it’s easy to transact on the go. If you are thinking about switching to mobile or already use mobile payment options consider the following safety advice just to make sure that every transaction you complete is as safe as possible.
1. Password protection: Password protection is a great parental control but it’s also an especially important tool that helps keep prying eyes off your data. If you are making transaction via your mobile you may have entered confidential details into sites that have been cached, meaning the data remains there after the transaction. By password protecting your phone you are creating a protective barrier and implementing the first step in mobile safety.
2. Set up Auto lock: If your phone or tablet is not in use for a few minutes it should automatically lock itself and require the PIN to reactivate. If you use your mobile in a public place ensure the Wi-Fi is secure and you don’t leave your device unattended for even a few seconds.
3. Stick with reputable sites: If you are using your phone for gaming for yourself or your children and are buying apps and downloading content ensure that the site you use is reliable and secure. A reputable site will generally be established and have and large user base, such as those that offer users the opportunity to play real money or free games on the move. The more popular the site, the more likely it is to be a safe bet.
4. Transact via well know institutions: Avoid suspicious looking payment gateways that you have never seen before, especially those that ask for additional, unnecessary data. Stick to well known credit card providers, e wallet services or other mobile payment options that you are familiar with, rather than taking a risk on an unknown entity.
5. Be aware of how you share data: Anti-virus, anti-malware and firewall software is all available for mobile devices, but you can also ensure you stay safe by limiting your sharing of confidential data. Beware of allowing 3rd party unsigned apps to access your data, and when transacting always read the terms and conditions to ensure confidentiality will be maintained.
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