I have attended the Chicago Auto Show for the past few years. It is one of my favorite events here in the Chicago area. Even though I don’t write an auto blog, I do have a love of cars. I can usually spot the make and model of a car within seconds of glancing at it. I really love SUVs. I need a new vehicle pretty soon. Although, I actually just paid off my current van last month. YEAH! I am trying to contain my itch for a new car. I really, really, REALLY want one. However, it will be a while before I can actually do it financially. Plus it will be nice to not have a car note for a while. My pocketbook will thank me! But, that does not mean that I cannot look and dream.
Media days are the auto show are February 6 – February 7 this year. I love media days because of the lack of people all over the cars. 🙂 I’m looking forward to checking out the many models of 2015 cars. I will especially have my eye on the new 2015 Nissan Armada. You see, I have a confession. For several months now I have been researching and scoping out vehicles on websites, and when I drive around. I’ve decided that the Armada is at the top of my list for the next Cain Clan car. I do love minivans because of the space and convenience. But in my heart I am and always have been an SUV girl. The Armada seems to have the space and amenities that I need. A couple of my neighbors drive them, so I know that it will fit in my garage. 🙂 I cannot remember if I have been in one at previous shows yet, so I will be jumping in one for sure this year.
In addition to media days I will be back at the show on Tuesday, February 11 for Women’s Day. Once again the ladies of Chicagonista will be heading up the Women Driving Excellence festivities sponsored by Nissan. Events include a Chinese New Year performance, Fitness with Andrea Metcalf, and music by one of my favorite people, Miss Lori. Another highlight of the day is the presentation of awards to the 2014 Trailblazing Women recipients. The awards honor women who drive others to excellence. 2013 recipient Anupy Singla will be the emcee of the awards. I attended the 2013 festivities and I had a great time.
Honorees include: Restaurateur and Book Author Karyn Calabrese, CEO of Today’s Chicago Woman Magazine Sherren Leigh, President & CEO of the Price Futures Group Susanna Jung, CEO & Founder of Chicago Toy & Game Mary Couzin, NBC Chicago Reporter Natalie Martinez, and BlogHer Founders Lisa Stone, Jory DesJardins and Elisa Camahort Page. I love that so many ladies that I know are on the list.
If you are headed down to check out the 2013 Chicago Auto Show please let me know! And if you are on site on Tuesday, please check out the Women Driving Excellence activities!
Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Chicagonista. All opinions are my own.
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