I’m a HGTV and DIY Network junkie. With Spring coming I’m once again thinking about sprucing up my home. I’m looking forward to letting the air flow through, and doing some Spring cleaning. And I have some ideas for a bit of remodeling. There is a long list of projects that keep getting pushed back. I would love to tackle at least a couple of those. Switching out some of the lights is one thing that I’m thinking about changing. I have a thing for pretty, unique lights. In fact, when this home was built I didn’t go for the default builder lights. I chose something different for almost every space in the home. I love unique lamps, wall sconces, and chandeliers. The right lighting can help make a home more interesting. We need lights in our homes, so why not make them interesting and beautiful? The right light can serve as a piece of art.
Check out my recent Houzz Ideabook which features a few lights that I love:
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