In my post Creating Pinterest Worthy Blog Content, I gave you general tips on making sure that your blog posts are ready for Pinterest. Of course, starting with great content is #1. Remember that not every post will do well on Pinterest. However, you should treat every post as if it could potentially be pinned. This means having at least one great Pinterest ready photo near the top of your post for others to see right away.
I LOVE promoting my fellow bloggers. I belong to several groups for just that. It is a great way to discover new blogs. And everyone wins when we promote each other. However, I will give it to you straight. On occasion, I come across a post in one of the sharing threads that I just do not want to share. Why? I try my best to treat Pinterest as a part of my blogging business. This means that I only want to promote content that is visually appealing, and that it makes sense to share. I don’t want someone to look at it and go “Huh? Why did she pin that?” If you start pinning iffy content it may cause some to unfollow you. None of us want that. So… help your fellow pinners out by making sure that all of your content that you want shared is… well… shareable!
5 Free Tools to Help You Create Great Pinterest Images
Canva is a relatively new online graphics tool. I have been using it for a few months and I love it!! You can easily create photo collages, blog graphics, Facebook cover photos, business cards, Pinterest hero images, and more. There are several layouts available, several text options, and several free images. There are also premium images available for only $1 each. It’s super easy to use and yields great results.
I personally don’t use PicMonkey much since I am addicted to Photoshop. However, several blogging friends use it to create graphics for their blogs. They live by it. I have tried it out recently, and I must say that it is pretty snazzy! I can certainly see using this to create fun graphics. You can edit photos, add clipart, and do just about everything else that you need to do to create a great image for your blog posts.
2018 Update: PicMonkey no longer has a free plan. However, plans are pretty reasonable if you love the tool. You can view the available plans on the PicMonkey site.
MorgueFile is a good place to start if you are looking for royalty free (FREE) photos to use for your blog. It brings up several free options and also searches royalty free sites like iStockPhoto, and Getty Images.
Infographics are very popular on Pinterest. They are a quick way to get the word out on tips and information. A good infographic is attractive and well designed. is a great tool for helping you create them without a lot of hassle.
I have used for a long time. If you like fun clipart you should too. It is a great site to get free colorful clipart for creating blog graphics, headers, and more. There are almost endless options. I usually find something that I like.
None of these things are hard to use. Even if you don’t have photo editing skills you can use them. You can create graphics, edit your existing photos, or at least add text to your original photos to watermark them for use on your blog posts and Pinterest. Give it a try!
I loved the tips, I already use CANVA! The others still did not know, but I’ll start using!
Hello! Thanks for the fun list. I LOVE using Picmonkey. I haven’t yet tried thanks for the info. I will be looking into trying it out. I will share this on my social media. Also sharing some Sverve love!
I love Picmonkey, I use it all the time. I wish I knew how to use Photoshop!
I use Picmonkey because I cannot use Photoshop. I would really love to learn, though. But it’s true that great Pinterest images are SO important!
Picmonkey does look awesome! But yes, Photoshop is a great skill to have. 🙂