Whether you realize it or not, our world is run by the magic of science. Scientists are responsible for inventing, building, designing, and making things work. There are many careers in science. People are Archaeologists, astronomers, biologists, chemists, computer scientists (my favorite), engineers, geneticists, geologists, physicists, meteorologists, and many more. All of those careers fall under the science category. There are many different careers that your child can explore in science. There are no shortage of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) jobs available. The U.S. Bureau of Statistics projects that STEM jobs will increase by over 20 percent in the next five years alone. However, here in the US there is a lack of young adults interested in science careers, which deteriorates the country’s global competitive edge. We need intelligent people to fill those positions. For this reason it is important that we nurture our children’s desire to learn science. While it may seem that jobs previously considered not cool or even nerdy are now sought after, it is still not enough. We need more. But if you ask me those that fill technology and science jobs are now the “cool kids”. 🙂
It is also a fact that women, Hispanics, and African-Americans are the biggest challenge and the biggest opportunity: Often for cultural reasons, they are underrepresented in many STEM areas, yet they make up the bulk of the future workforce. Mentor programs have helped change perceptions of STEM careers. Read The State of STEM and Jobs, US News & World Report for more information. As a black woman who worked many, many years in the technology field this issue is very important to me. I want my kids to know that being African-American should not make a difference when it comes to following their career dreams. Luckily that position that I am in now lets them see that Black woman can work in technology, and still be considered cool.
As previously mentioned my kids so have a real interest in science. I mean, they are my children. I was expecting that some of my genes would rub off. And of course with my own background, I do everything that I can to help with their interest in STEM learning. I have no doubt in my mind that my girls will end up in some type of science or technology position. Do you foster your child’s interest in technology?
Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge
3M is a company known for its innovation. We see the name on projectors, post-it notes, and other things that help us work from day to day. 3M is now helping to foster kid’s interest in science with the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge. Competition is for students in grades 5-8. The entry deadline is April 22, 2014. 10 finalists from the competition will get work with a 3M scientist mentor. The final competition will take place at the 3M Innovation Center. And guess what?? The winner will receive $25,000 and the title of “America’s Top Young Scientist.” How is that for an awesome prize? To learn more follow @DE3MYSC and check out the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge Homepage for full details. Instruct your young scientist to visit the 3M Innovation page where they will get tons of great encouragement and ideas on how 3M scientists impact our daily lives. Then visit the entry page to enter to win the challenge. Good luck!!
Join us for the How to Raise America’s Top Young Scientist #STEMchat
Want to learn more about helping your children develop their interest in science? Join us on Twitter April 8 from 9 – 10 PM Eastern as we talk about How to Raise America’s Top Young Scientist. Visit The Maker Mom for full #STEMchat details. Panelists include:
- @DE3MYSC, Dr. Delony Langer-Anderson will be tweeting on behalf of the Challenge. She’s a 3M Advanced New Product Development Specialist in their healthcare division and one of the Scientist Mentors. She’s also a chemist with several patents pending.
- @KitchPantrySci, Liz Heinecke, is the Kitchen Pantry Scientist. A microbiologist and mom, Liz is on a mission to get every kid in the US excited about doing science experiments at home. She’s also the creator of the Kid Science App.
- @LittleTechGirl, Kris Cain is a digital lifestyle expert and blogger at Little Tech Girl.
- @NerdMom, Jacqueline Cromwell is a homeschooling mom of four and blogger at Nerd Family.
- @TechSavvyMama, Leticia Barr is a former teacher and technology specialist committed to raising tech-savvy kids; she blogs at TechSavvyMama.
- @Venspired, Krissy Venosdale is passionate educator, STEAM advocate, Space Camp alum and maker of inspirational classroom posters. Learn more about her at Venspired.com.
- @KimMoldofsky, also known as The Maker Mom and founder of #STEMchat.
- @DNLee5, Danielle Lee is a hip-hop maven and PhD biologist who blogs at Scientific American about urban ecology, evolutionary biology and diversity in the science. She was recently honored at The White House as a STEM Champion of Change.
Hope to see you there!
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by 3M. All opinions are my own.
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