I am a huge fan of tablet computers. There are many great ones out there to choose from. Tablets computer use is on the rise. Some may think of them as large smartphones, but having a great tablet has many uses that can help you be more productive, keep you connected, and even help lighten your load. If you are a bookworm and you have been putting off buying your first tablet here are some things to consider that may help you decide to make the plunge. The Huffington Post just wrote a fun post for book lovers books that tells some of the pluses of using an eReader. Here are 6 other things to consider.
Lighten Your Book Load & Save Your Back
I remember being in school and carrying a backpack so heavy that it made my back and my arms ache! Even reading books for pleasure meant adding weight to my bag. Do you remember how heavy it was and how tired your arms were after school? Good thing times have changed. Many textbooks may now be available in electronic form. And with a tablet, you can carry all the books you want these days without straining a muscle or getting cramped shoulders.
Store a Ton of Books Without Taking Up a Ton of Space
Books can take up a lot of space. And while there may be something classy about having a huge wall of classic books if you are lucky enough to live in a home with your own study, it’s not always practical for the average homeowner. If you are the type that loves to read, instead of buying book after book and worrying about storing them later you can buy as many eBooks as you like, store them on your eReader, or in the Cloud and not worry about taking up space in your home.
Buy a New Book at Any Time
In the past when you finished your favorite book in a series you probably had to wait until the next day to go to the book store to pick up the next chapter. The stores were closed, and you were probably tucked into bed in your favorite pajamas. Today shopping for books doesn’t have to be as tough. With an eReader even if you finish your book at 3am and you are eager to see how the next starts, you can download the book instantly. With an eReader like the Nook Tablet, all it takes is a few clicks to get to the Barnes & Noble site and you’re good to go. Curling up on your couch with the latest book and a steaming cup of chocolate has never been easier.
Save Money on Buying Physical Books
Some books cost quite a bit. This is especially true of text books. While we do appreciate and understand why, it may not always be in our budget to buy the hardcover of a newly released book. Yes we understand the blood, sweat and tears that went into writing that book. Aside from the author’s talent fee, you’d also have to consider the material, binding and just about every other thing that’s needed to bring a book into existence; those costs are going to add up. With eReaders, though, came eBooks. eBooks forego the need for paper, ink and binding materials, and cost a lot less than printed books… especially hard-bound editions. That’s quite a win for book-lovers. With low eBook prices, you can buy as many books as you want without worrying that it will break the bank.
Buying Classics
If buying books at low prices isn’t glorious enough, there are also quite a few sites that offer eBooks—for free. Not only that, a lot of libraries and bookstores don’t often carry the books you want. But not all hope is lost. With plenty of reading communities and members willing to lend a helping hand, you just might have a better chance of finding it online. It’s basically a literary treasure trove out there. So if you’ve always wanted to complete your own collection of the classics, this is as good a reason as any to get yourself an e-reader device as soon as possible.
Quick Research While Reading
Have you ever wanted to look up a word or research a subject that you come across while reading a book? Have you kept putting down the book to consult the dictionary or internet for a word or two? These days we use our smartphones or tablets to quickly look up a word. And using eReader or tablet you can just use the touch screen to click right on a word to quickly bring up a pop-up box with the definition.
These are just a few of the things you could solve if you had an eReader handy. So go get one and explore the many ways you could take your reading experience from good to great.
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