I plan and host a lot of events. Sometimes the events are a part of my social media job, and I get paid. And sometimes the events are community related, and I do it just to have a great time. Whether I’m asked by a brand to plan and host an event, or coming up with my own event from scratch a lot goes into the planning. Planning successful events usually requires multiple phone calls, emails, notes, notes, and more notes. And then there is getting others to help. Oy!
I have tried a combination of many, many tools when planning events. However, I am always looking for an easy way to give and collect information out to those helping with events. Then I heard about VolunteerSpot.
What is VolunteerSpot?
VolunteerSpot is a website created to help event planners easily get sign-ups for events. And don’t let the name fool you. VolunteerSpot is not only about getting people to volunteer. You can create sign-ups for events of various kinds including groups, schools, teams, non-profits, or other events. Events can be for one day or span multiple days. Or you may choose to create a sign-up to collect fees or contributions.
Creating an Event on VolunteerSpot
Each year my kid’s grandmother hosts a Halloween party for the kids in her community. She is responsible for the food, the games, the entertainment, and getting others in the community to help. Creating an event on VolunteerSpot to help her was easy and took only a few steps. There are several categories to choose from. My favorites include Workplace, Community Group, and Potluck/Party. With the holidays coming up I can definitely see using that last one quite a bit! However, for this purpose I chose Community Event.
Once I created my event I was presented with a calendar to choose dates for my event.
From here I inputted information for volunteers so that they would know exactly what they needed to do or bring. Here you can get as detailed as you like by describing items or services, telling how many people you need to fulfill that spot, and the date that you need it done. It even allows you to auto-fill shifts by time if need be.
From there you can choose a theme to match your event, add a logo or icon, and then make your event live. Once it’s live you can invite friends by email, copy a sharing link, post on social media, or add a button to your website.
Volunteering on VolunteerSpot
Now that I have created the event, I can have people get to work! They will receive a sign-up form where they are able to sign-up by their email address, choose a spot, and provide additional information. They can also sign-up via their mobile device.
This is a great tool for keeping track of who is doing what. With easy ways to create groups, send mass emails, and add additional dates and sign-ups when needed it is useful for all type of events. I can definitely see using VolunteerSpot for organizing in the future. It takes the guess work out long lists, spreadsheets, and chasing down volunteers. Check it out and up for a free account today.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by VolunteerSpot and Acorn Influence. All opinions are my own.
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