If I’m being completely honest, my adulthood has not gone quite the way that I’ve expected. Life has a way of playing tricks on us, hitting us with obstacles, and making us realize that we cannot control everything. This includes financial health. All it takes is a few life changes and you may find yourself wondering how you are going to make it until the next payday.
I envy those that were in the right place at the right time, caught a great business deal and they are now spending most of their time traveling and relaxing on the beach while giving orders. This may not be the path that we are all on. Honestly, I like working. I’m a busy body so I have to keep busy doing something that I love. But, when it becomes a struggle to make ends meet doing your passion is no longer fun. This is why maintaining your financial health is important. If you are financial sound, then you can find more time for your passion… even if it is your job.
As a mother to 4 kids who are quickly growing I want them to know the importance of keeping their finances together so that they do not make the same mistakes that I made. Starting early is key. As for me, it’s never too late to try to do better. Things like keeping up on bills, saving money, investing, and making good financial choices are all things that children should learn from their parents. My kids are blessed. We live in a very nice house, have a nice car, and I like to think that I do my fair share of spoiling. They deserve it. But, I do not say yes to everything. I make sure that they know that getting what you want takes work. And money definitely does not grow on trees. They each have their ideas about what they want to be when they grow up. A couple of them even want to start a business. I am going to do everything that I can to foster their ideas and make sure that they make smart decisions when it comes to their money.
On December 5, 2015 here in the Chicago area I will be joining Chevrolet and the Rainbow Push Collation for a FREE Money Matters Workshop. This is a one-day financial workshop that will inform and empower you to claim your financial success. We will get valuable lessons on credit scores, investing, budgeting basics, and wealth building. What I learn will benefit me, and my children.
Workshop details are below. If you would like to attend, you can read more information and sign up for the various sessions on the Rainbow Push website.
930 E 50TH ST
9AM – 2PM
I look forward to seeing you there!
Disclosure: I’m being compensated for this post and to cover the event. All opinions are my own.
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