When it comes to organizing your files online, it’s very important to keep a number of basic things in mind. No matter what you choose to use, the same rules apply. I have mentioned before that I was on a mission to organize my files. It is a constant work in progress!
This is especially important to me as I get into the New Year. I’m determined to make 2016 successful, and being organized is part of it. There are several steps that need to be taken in order to quickly, easily, and efficiently organize your files so that they are easier to locate at a critical moment. The sooner you do so, the sooner you will be at ease when it comes to locating the files that you need to do your work with. And it does happen. I cannot tell you how many times I have misplaced a photo or file. Sigh… Like I said, it’s a work in progress.
I use a combination of tools, hard drives, and services to organize my digital life. For the most part, I now have it all together… although there are still a few things that I need to organize.
Name All Of Your Files & Folders
The first step you can take to quickly and easily organize all of your important work related files to give them unique names related to what they are. Put them all into a folder, and name the folder with a phrase that will help you remember its specific purpose. This is especially important when uploading photos. Sometimes when in a hurry to unload my SD cards I just dump photos in a folder on my desktop called Photos to Sort. This does not help when it comes time to find a pic. If you do this, try to remember to immediately sort the folder and put all photos into a folder that relates to the event or activity.
This will help them to stand out in the crowd of files that are accumulating in your computer. For example, if you need to store a mass of online receipts for an upcoming holiday related project, you could give the folder the name of “Christmas Project” so that you will know that all of the information contained relates to that particular project only.
Give Each Folder An Individual Tag
This is something that I need to start doing. Once you have all of your important work related files organized into their respective folders, you can go a step further by assigning special tags and keywords to each of them. This will help you make your search for individual files much easier. Put a keyword, such as “Holiday” or the name of the client associated with that project, into the properties of the folder in question. This will enable you to do a quick keyword search for the folder. It’s an excellent way to zip through a file search in a timely manner.
Use An Online File Organizing Tool
Other than files, there are other things that we love to save. This can include web clippings, articles, and more. The last method that you can use to keep your online files organized and easy to access is to make use of an online file organizing tool. This is the method that millions of people have adopted in order to bring all of their important finance and work related files under one convenient heading. Using an online system such as Clipix can help. Clipix provides users with one central place to save everything important to them in a organized manner. Unlike other popular services, Clipix is private. And the content you save to Clipix is accessible wherever you go—online, or with our mobile applications for iPhone and Android devices. Check out the video below to see how it works.
What are some of your favorite tools?
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