I had started a draft about today being my 42nd birthday. It is still in drafts. I think I’m numb. I feel completely devastated, but I cannot manage to work up a tear. I’m definitely in the shock stage. Every once in awhile when a famous person passes it hits us all like we lost a family member. This is how I feel right now. Not too long ago we were in awe at the beauty of his passport photo. The most beautiful passport photo ever!
As a couple of my Facebook friends worded it “Prince’s music was the soundtrack of our lives.” That is true. As far as I am concerned, HE WAS IT. He was always there. From the time that I started caring about music, I was listening to either Prince, Michael Jackson, or New Edition. And usually… it was Prince! My mother took me to see Purple Rain. The theatre was like a party. I was probably too young to see that movie, but it was Prince, so I got a pass. It was iconic. And it was awesome. I was hooked! I have all of the albums. I have watched Purple Rain probably a hundred times. Like anyone else in my age group, I am just completely shocked and saddened.
Back in 1996, I went on a trip to Paisley Park with a local radio station. We had booked the trip a month or so before. When the time came to go, I was sick as a dog. I had food poisoning. I did not care. I went anyway. I remember saying “I am going even if I have to throw up on Prince!” And I was close enough to him that I could have done just that…
Last week when I heard that report that Prince was rushed to the hospital and not feeling well I started getting a feeling. “Oh no. Not him. Don’t mess with him.” I had read some reports of rumored illnesses. I was again thinking, “No. Please… not him.”
When I first started teaching myself to code website, the first thing that I thought to make a site about was Prince! Oh, how I wish I had saved it!!
He was a brilliant talent. He was controversial. He was different. He was influential. He was an amazing performer.

Right now on CNN they are discussing choosing a favorite Prince song. But, it is not possible! There are just too many. Adore, America, Purple Rain, When Doves Cry, K.I.S.S., Controversy, DMSR. I could go on and on and on. On every album, there were so many!
It is going to take me a long time to get over this one. I just cannot believe it. I feel blessed to have seen him in concert a couple of times. The last time being 2012 here in Chicago. It was so awesome!!
I feel blessed to have experienced his music. So many of my friends are I are and will forever be Prince fans.
RIP Great Purple One.
Not gonna lie, I miss this demented little man. He was so tall in my memory that every time I see him standing next to someone else, I am surprised he was so tiny. And that Dennis the Menace smile of his!
The world is upside down right now.
I totally loved Prince as well – I was in Jr. high when he was on the rise and we all loved him. He was also probably one of the first really big stars that transcended race as I grew up in a 99% Caucasian school/area and it was a non-issue with Prince and my friends. I wore purple the other day in honor of him, have played lots of his music since his death (although I always play his music anyway). This really was a death of a famous person that really impacted me as well. He was much too young. I am so grateful for all of the creativity, music, film, and thought he gave to me and all of us!
PS A very happy belated birthday – I know it must have been hard, but I hope the rest of the year rocks! Miss you!
He was a beautiful man.I mentioned on your FB page about seeing him several times.. and each time he was as you described, it was all fun and like a private party.
Hubby and I moved to MN in n 1984, Prince played a whole lot of small venues, and he would just show up. It was freaky, he would stroll in and just play and he was phenomenal.
When we lived in MN, he wasnt at Paisley Park or at least thats not what it was called then. We lived in Shakopee about an hour away from Minneapolis and worked 2 jobs. We would go down this back road, and across from a small wildlife area (something between a pond and wetlands) there sat a white and purple lighted house. It was Prince’s. We saw him outside a few times and we didnt recognize him right away.
I know we amused him, because one night , there was a sign put up right before his house that said ‘slow down it is slick out’ that hadnt been there before, There were thousands of frogs from those wetlands….. and trust me, you hit those and you go sliding and they make a funny sound. We got out of the car a fell in frog mush. Someone from the house was laughing their butt off. I always thought we gave him a chuckle.
We lived in MN when Purple Rain came out, and had been in the club it was filmed at. Prince gave back to his community in small and in large ways but took little credit for it. I think he was so much more about his art than fame.
He was always one of my favorite singers… he had a range in his voice and was an outstanding guitar player to boot. He was ever changing but the same too. He will be missed.