Modern technology is a truly wonderful thing. And cell phones easily rank amongst the very greatest enhancements of the 21st century. To think that not too long ago we had huge brick phones and flip phones, and now some of us have the iPhone 7. Technology is truly amazing. But it’s not only our personal lives that can benefit from embracing the latest handsets on the market. Smartphones are not just for fun.
Whether you’re iOS or Android… it doesn’t matter. Your handheld device can help your further your business. Here’s how you can maximize its influence.
Customer Support
First and foremost, smartphones are communication devices. So, use them to communicate for your business. Use it as the first point of contact for clients. With the help of a virtual receptionist service, you can handle those issues without facing quite so many distractions.
You can also choose to use a service like Google Voice to provide a business only number for your clients. This provides many options. You can then record calls, easily forward calls to another phone, receive voicemail and text messages in your email, or even answer calls from your computer. I’ve been using Google Voice for several years and I love it.
You don’t need to be a business genius to realize that marketing plays a vital role in your operation. Whether it’s boosting your Facebook page or gaining a following on Instagram, personality is key. Your smartphone will probably be your primary means for keeping up with social media while on the go.
Whether posting messages, taking photos, or using videos, your smartphone is a wonderful tool for social media marketing. It can also be an advertisement. Consider ordering a custom designed case with your logo on it to promote your brand to the people around you. I’ve had a couple of branded cases in the past and they always got comments.
Take The Company on the Road
Using a smartphone with Internet access, you can actually run your business from just about anywhere. Use Freshbooks to send invoices, Use PayPal to send and receive payments. Use a Square Reader or other portable credit card machine to slide credit cards and accept payments while on the go. This gets you more business because an increasing number of people prefer to pay with debit cards rather than cash.
Having everything that you need on your mobile means that you can visit customers directly in their homes or offices, or work special events and attractions. And, it offers a backup for when other systems are hit by power outages, or unforeseen problems. If that doesn’t motivate you to get more from your cell phone, nothing will.
Get Organized
If there’s one business lesson that you’ve heard more than ever, it’s that time is money. A smartphone allows you to organize and structure your day, as well as the schedules of your employees. It even allows you to do it on the train, on your lunch break, or on the toilet (you know you play with your phone there!) There are many tools and programs that are available on both your computer and your smartphone that keep you organized. Check out my post 9 Tools to Save Paper & Be More Efficient in Your Business to see what you might be missing.
You may decide that you need a team communication app that can allow you to maintain to connect with employees while on the go. Whether it’s delegating work or ensuring that members will meet deadlines, this can only be great news for the business.
Gain Valuable Feedback
Word of mouth may get you most of your business. And on the web testimonials can make or break your business. The power of recommendations should not be ignored by any business. Using your smartphone, with your customer’s permission, you can quickly record a voice memo of a customer testimonial and take a photo to go with it to be added to your website. Ask for responses to help improve your business ventures. Ask them for an email address and permission to add them to your mailing list.
With these few tips you can keep you business moving while on the go. Now that has to be more productive than playing Candy Crush.
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