In today’s technological-driven world, many companies as well as individuals are focused on preventing cyber crime, and with good reason. However, there are also real-world threats that must be faced. To keep employees and customers safe, increasing numbers of businesses and organizations are turning to security guards, both armed and unarmed. Each can be effective in the right settings, but in general, unarmed security guards offer good protection and strong deterrence for a reasonable cost. I work on a major university campus. It’s a great, beautiful, thriving, diverse area… but it has it’s issues. At least a couple of times a week we get security alerts sent to our email about things that have happened in the area. As I walk around, there are security guards stationed on many of the corners, campus police cars driving by, and sometimes even biked police officers roaming the streets. It’s a way of life here in Chicago, and many other places. And companies realize that employees and visitors need to be kept safe.
The Growing Desire for Security
As society changes, the desire and need for on-site security is growing. For many businesses, unarmed guards are a good choice for several important reasons. Theft is a huge problem around here. Students, staff, and faculty roaming with smartphones are very tempting to thieves. Unarmed guards can help with this because…
- They cost less than armed guards.
- They may incur lower insurance costs and reduced liability issues.
- They are generally an effective deterrent for trouble and help customers and employees feel at ease.
- They will not become a possible cause or source of violence, and there is not the liability risk of them accidentally shooting a customer or employee when dealing with crime, since they have no weapons.
Due to the nature of the world we live in, many companies choose to create an atmosphere of safety by hiring an unarmed, on-site security guard for the reasons listed above. Simply put, security is good business.
Less Obvious Ways Trained Security Guards Help
The private security industry has expanded in recent years, and has even been studied and analyzed by the United States Department of Justice. The reasons already detailed are good arguments for having on-campus protection. However, unarmed sentries can also benefit businesses in less obvious ways.
Providing Customer Service: Sentries can be effective ambassadors of good customer service. Guards may be asked to operate a front desk or control access to certain areas. In so doing, they can have heavy interaction between customers and the public as well as employees. They also can escort customers and employees to their vehicles after dark. Security personnel can direct people to the right products or the right locations in buildings. Overall, hiring personable, able sentries sends the message that a business is secure and focused on service. I have known many people that worked as security guards an
Monitoring: Security professionals do not have to spend all of their time actively patrolling a property. They may monitor video surveillance, check credentials, look for contraband, and restrict access to specific areas. Other particular duties may include watching for shoplifters, checking campus grounds after hours, and opening or closing a business for the day. These important monitoring duties, when handled by a trained guard, can take a great deal of responsibility off the shoulders of the business owner or manager and employees, allowing them to focus more on their specific job duties.
Handling Crime: Trained security experts can easily respond actively to crime right when and where it occurs. Depending on what each business prefers, guards may take down details and contact police or they may detain suspects. Hiring a well-trained security professional from a reputable company is a good way to protect yourself against harm as well as losses from theft and vandalism.
Feeling Secure Without Guns
Let’s face it… guns are a real problem these days! Guns can easily fall into the wrong hands, even when they start out in the right ones.
Effective security doesn’t necessarily need to involve firearms. Professional guards, if well-trained, can respond sensibly and capably when faced with criminal activity on business premises. They can help people feel safe and actually keep them safer by deterring crime. They can monitor property, escort people through dark parking lots, and provide helpful customer service that speaks volumes about company values. Even residential communities use unarmed security guards to deter crime. I know of a couple of places where security cars constantly roam and monitor areas, and you can request that they escort you home safely.
There are good reasons for the burgeoning private security industry. Unarmed protection can benefit businesses and residential areas in numerous ways. While the growing threat of cyber crime is dangerous, physical real-world threats also must be prevented and, if they occur, dealt with immediately. More and more companies and organizations are turning to trained, unarmed security guards to create a safer environment for all.
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