I have a confession. Until a couple of months ago I had not worked out in over 2.5 years! That is a long stretch of doing nothing. I was recently contacted by Curves to help celebrate their 25th birthday. The timing was perfect! My husband and I have been dragging our feet with getting started again. I needed a push. I bought a new elliptical machine back in June, but I can count on one hand the number of times I have used it. It is so hard to start a workout habit. But, when you are presented with the right motivation, it helps.
Before my wedding in June 2015 I knew that I wanted to slim down and tone. I joined a gym. I got a personal trainer. I stuck with it pretty good for about 3 months. I lost 20 lbs, and a dress size! I had picked out my dress in March. It was a size 10. It fit perfectly. I didn’t try it on again until one week before the wedding. This was a huge mistake. Don’t do that! I had lost so much weight that the dress fell off! I ran to the bridal store. They were awesome and made some calls to find my dress one size down at another store. It was not close though. It was at a store about 3 hours away in Springfield, IL. I was desperate. I was willing to go and get it, but they had it shipped to my local store. But, there was a delay in shipping, and it arrived 2 days before the wedding. And guess what??? IT WAS THE WRONG DRESS!! Someone labeled it wrong. It was not even close. At this point I was freaking out!! It was 2 days before the wedding. Luckily, the bridal shop was excellent and accommodating. I’m sure they are used to dealing with hysterical brides. They whisked me back to the on-site tailor who took some quick measurements and altered the dress in one night! After that fiasco, all other problems that popped up before the ceremony seemed like nothing. And I was cute!
My Curves Fitness Goal
I learned a couple of lessons from that. But the one that I will stick to for this post is that when I set my mind to it and try, I can actually workout, enjoy it, and lose weight. I’m at that point again. Life has gotten busy, a few things have happened that have me thinking about my future and my health, and some of my clothes do not fit right! My weight usually fluctuates 2-3 lbs in either direction which I can handle. But lately? I have gained quite a few pounds, 12 to be exact! And this is in addition to all the weight that I lost back in 2015 coming back. That will not do! I attribute some of this to eating (of course). And I think that my birth control may be helping. One of the main side effects is weight gain. Oh goody!
Here’s a recent family pic that clearly shows my stomach trying to break out of my shirt. Oh nooo! I also see the weight gain in my face.
My goal? Honestly? I need to lose about 20 lbs again. Actually 25 lbs would be good. I will not be as small as I was on my wedding day, but I will be comfortable. My biggest concern is my stomach!! If I could just blast away this waistline I would be a happy camper. I would love to look good in a fitted shirt without needing my waist pincher, because you know… I like to breathe! But, I’m ok with keeping a bit of junk in the trunk. LOL!
What is Curves?
While Curves has been around awhile, you may not be familiar with how it works. Curves caters to women’s fitness. The locations are outfitted with hydraulic resistance machines that are designed for women’s bodies. Workouts are designed to be only 30 minutes, so you can fit it in without having a lot of time. The workouts are a mixture of machines, and mats.

Curves is Turning 25!
In order to jumpstart my workout I have headed to Curves! I’ll be working out there for at least the next 30 days, and updating you on my progress, plus letting you know what I think about the Curves Premium location. Meanwhile, Curves kicked off their 25th birthday celebrations in a big way. They recently announced that they will gift 25 female veterans $25,000 each toward owning their own Curves club. To learn more about the Curves franchise opportunity gift and to apply, visit www.buycurves.com/veterans.
There are a few days left to take advantage of other great incentives to get back on your workout! On September 28, Curves will be celebrating the 25th birthday around the globe with special workouts and local in-club parties. I’ll be partying at my Curves location! Non-members can also join their local Curves for 25 cents to celebrate the day.**
**Monthly membership fees also required and vary by location. Offer based on first visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fitness membership. Valid at participating locations. Cannot be combined with any other offer. No cash value. Valid only on 9/28/17.
You can also follow Curves on Facebook and Instagram to check out workout tips, 25th birthday info, and to comment giveaway posts for the chance to win free goodies.
Join the party on social media by following #25YearsStrong and #CurvesStrong.
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