Based on recent research by Trend Micro, nearly 30% of all households have three or more smartphones. Add to that the number tablets, and computers, and you have homes that are more connected than ever before. Because of this, social media has become more of a beast than many of us could have imagined. When I was a teen we did not have laptops, or tablets. And we did not have smartphones permanently connected to our hands. While I’m sure our parents had a certain amount of worry about what we were being exposed to, it was nothing like it is now.
And while kids may be tied to their mobile devices a lot on a normal day, in winter it is sure to get worse. Cold weather means many families may choose to stay indoors more. And longer commutes because of bad weather mean kids are keeping themselves busy in the car. Plus hackers take advantage of this time of year to up their efforts in identity theft, and cyber theft knowing that consumers are shopping more.
As a matter of fact, not 2 weeks ago I realized that I could no longer log in to one of my credit card accounts to pay the bill. I called. I was notified that my card had been locked because of suspicious activity. They were right. I had not used the card in a long time. However, someone tried to use it for 2 transactions worth $330! Thankfully they caught it.
Identity theft and fraudulent transactions are just a couple of the issues that families have to encounter when using the Internet from day to day. And kids and teens may not be aware of all of the dangers. This is where parents come in.
Here are 5 Tips for Keeping Your Family Safe Online During the Winter
Talk to your kids about online safety and security
One big part of making sure that your kids are safe online is education. Talk to them about social networks. Which ones are they allowed to use? What should they alert you to right away? What should they stay away from? My kids will often come to me with their phones if they get suspicious text messages, or even if the phone rings and they do not recognize the number.
You should also talk to your kids about the importance of not engaging in online chats with people that they do not know. And they should know to notify you right away if anyone sends them an inappropriate message.
Kids should also know not to click on any ads that pop up in their browsers. And they should never fill out any forms or sign up for anything without talking to you first.
And another big thing that I have talked to teens about before… they need to know that things that they put online can and will come back to haunt them. We live in a world where everyone is quick to record everything, quick to post a photo, and will say just about anything online because they think they are safe hiding behind a keyboard. Of course this is not true. In recent years, more people are losing jobs because of inappropriate tweets and Facebook posts. Kids need to know that even though they are kids, things that they put online can potentially hang around forever and become visible to future schools and employers. Because of this they need to be smart, responsible Internet users. Do not put anything at all online that you would not want your parents to see.
While we trust that educating our kids will do that trick, they are still kids. Let’s face it… kids are curious creatures. And they are not always honest with us. It is up to us to trust that they will do the right thing, but just in case, we need to have backups in place to protect them.
Install a Reliable Router
Routers have come a long way. These days routers include parental controls and ways to block inappropriate content from getting into your household. Do your research, read online reviews and choose a router that fits your household. A good router will likely not be the $50 one in Walmart. If you want one that will last for a while, provide a strong signal, and protect your household from hackers and other risky things, you will have to spend more.
Enable Parental Controls
As mentioned above, routers do come with parental controls. However, they are not always foolproof. And if your kids turn off the WiFi on their mobile device and instead use 4G, they are bypassing the router in your home. Because of this, and depending on the age of your kids you may want to install parental controls directly on each device. What you use will depend on whether it is a Windows PC, Apple computer, iOS device, or Android device. But, there is something out there for all.
Trend Micro Maximum Security offers a complete solution that will protect your devices from multiple threats. It offers protection against ransomware, websites that steal personal data, inappropriate content, and more. For only $49.95 you can connect up to 10 devices in your home. Even if your family has a mix of devices, you are covered. The protection works with Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android.
Be Sure all Computers in Your Home Have Up-to-date Virus Protection
Viruses are one of the leading causes of computers going nuts. Windows PCs can be particularly vulnerable. In my post, 10 Things to Do When Your Windows PC Behaves Badly I gave you some great tips for cleaning up a computer once you realize that it has slowed down and something is wrong. However, you want to protect it before that happens. Trend Micro Maximum Security is an awesome solution that protects against everything mentioned above and it also protects against viruses. Keep in mind that slowness is not the only issue that viruses or malware cause. A truly bad virus can wipe out data, steal your sensitive information, or make your computer truly unusable. Head over to the Trend Micro site to read more and learn how to protect yourself.
Schedule Offline Time for Family Fun
The less time your family spends online, the less likely they are to encounter inappropriate content, viruses and malware. In this digital world, some may spend too much time staring at screens. This can cause eye problems, neck problems, and a disconnect from your family. To combat this some families band mobile devices at the dinner table. Others schedule time once a week to play family games, or have an outing. Whatever you decide to do, do it as a family and embrace being together. You can also use this time to chat with your children and ask questions about what they have been encountering online.
Trend Micro hopes that you will look to their Internet Safety for Kids and Families site to get helpful info on how to protect your family from computer threats. In order to help you celebrate staying safe this season they is giving one reader a $200 Amazon gift card. Use it towards holiday shopping, to get a new device, or whatever you need! Enter to win below.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Trend Micro. All opinions are my own.
I would use it towards my holiday gift giving 🙂
I am in great need of a nice new bicycle to get my nephew for his birthday. This prize would help out in doing such.
I’d buy a highchair and toys.
We’d use this on some winter clothes.
I’ll use it to buy gifts
I would use this to buy my children some winter clothes.
xmas gifts
I really, really need a new computer so I would put this in my Amazon “savings” account.
I’d definitely use this for Christmas gifts for my family.
I would use the gift card toward getting some things for my new granddaughter, who will arrive in April.
I would put it towards a PS4 Pro for my son.
I would use it for Christmas.
I’d love to use it for skincare stuff, supplements, & protein powder!
Since it is that time of year I would use it to help with Christmas presents.
We would use gift card towards a new laser printer for our kids !!!
I would use it to buy a soda can Refrigerator
<— Single mother I would use it for Christmas presents 🙂
I’d use it for Christmas presents 🙂 It’s that time of year!
I would use it to buy my girls Christmas giftts!
to buy games for my kids
I’m going to use it to buy Christmas gifts
I’d use it for Christmas gifts and decor!
Um, I’ll be using my giftcard to buy Taco Bell lol. Love your blog, btw! <3
I need a new charger so that would be the first purchase.
Christmas Presents for sure!!!
I would use it for Christmas presents and books.
I will use it to buy games for my kids for Christmas!
I would use the gift card towards Christmas presents including Guardians of the Galaxy 2 on Blu-Ray, a Pack N’ Play, and Legos.
I would use this towards Christmas shopping.
I would use this to start my Christmas shopping. This would surely gets lots off my list!
I would use it to buy an Echo
I would use it to help me Christmas Shop Most of the things my Daughter wants is on Amazon
i would use my gift card toward Christmas for my 3 children
Baby stuff for my pregnant daughter. Her and her Hubs have not gotten anything as they are looking for a place to rent
I would use it on my daughter. She’s been doing so good. I’m so proud of her.
I would use it for christmas shopping for my grandkids
I would use this towards holiday shopping for my husband & our 4 kids
Thanks So much for the tips! I could really use this for Thanksgiving and Christmas, food and gifts! Thank you!!
I could really use some new stuff for the kitchen. Cookware and an instant pot.
It would definitely be used for some early Christmas shopping, for my kids. 🙂
definitely for ALL the books. And a little something for the kids and the husbae too.
I might use it for shoes, dvds, a computer mouse and books.
I would use it on Christmas gifts for my children!
I want to buy some DVD boxed sets that I’m lacking, very much wanted.
I will use it to buy Christmas presents for my family especially the grandkids!
I would put it towards Christmas presents. My son wants a hoverboard really bad.
Christmas shopping
Christmas shopping for my girls, of course!
This would really help with Christmas shopping for the grandkids
I would use this towards Christmas gifts for my kids. This would really help out a lot..
Christmas gifts
I’d use it to buy Christmas gifts for my family.
I’m sure christmas gifts for my 3 kids
I will get diapers for my kids and some christmas gifts!
I will use it to get my granddaughter toys and clothes for Christmas! I think a rocking horse would be amazing for her!
I would put it towards a standing laptop desk.
RC- Tara Woods
Would use for presents for christmas.
I would buy Christmas gifts for my family! This would really help
Dog food. Flea treatment. I have 7 of the little buggars.
This would go towards Christmas for my family.
I just got Amazon wish lists from my 3 nieces so it would definitely go towards Christmas presents!
Not sure I like to find my new kitchen countertop small appliances there. I love that they are now making things in red my favorite color.
It would be used for Christmas gifts for the family.
I’d use it for Christmas gifts for my 2 boys!
I will use the gift card for buying some books.
I would use it to buy Christmas gifts
This would be a big help for Christmas gifts!
I would use this for Christmas presents for the kids.
I would use it towards items for our new home.
I would use it toward a laptop for my husband.
I would use the gift card towards Christmas this year.
I would definitely find use for this for Christmas gifts etc. I love Amazon, thank you for the opportunity! 🙂
I would use if for Christmas gifts and a couple of items that I need.
I would use it towards a tablet for my daughter. It’s been on top of her Christmas list for the last 2 years!
I would give it to a friend who has been hit with hard times. Hope it will bring a little joy to her Christmas.
Id buy a quality sewing machine! im just getting started and im super excited to make things.
I would use the gift card on gifts for my grandchildren for christmas.
I would buy some running shoes and workout clothes for my new fitness program.
I would use it for Christmas gifts for my kids!
I would use it to buy things for my brothers baby due in December c:
I would use the gift card for holiday gifts for special friends.
I would use it to buy my daughter a TV for Christmas.
for critter food and other basic household supplies; gotta be practical!
This will go toward my kids Christmas
I would use it for Christmas presents. Thank you!
I would use the GC to buy Christmas gifts.
I would buy my kids Christmas presents
It would help me to buy xmas gifts for sure.
For Christmas shopping for my three grand kids
I would use it for Christmas gifts for my son and daughter since I am not working this year.
I would use it towards Christmas shopping!
I’ll use it for textbooks – I’m in grad school
I would use it toward a new gaming system!!!!
If I get very lucky to win this amazing giveaway, I would definitely buy diapers for my newborn. Thanks for the chance.
Save it up to get a new computer
I would use it for Christmas gifts.
My daughter wants a new laptop for Christmas, so I would put it towards that.
Every december we pick names of who to buy for and i would use this to buy a gift on amazon for one of my family members.
I would get gifts.
My 12 year old is super into photography and the one thing she really wants for Christmas is a nice camera (hers is kind of junky) so, I would use this towards getting her a decent camera.
Gift for the family & friends.
I would get Christmas gifts.
I will buy books for the family and start the Christmas shopping.
I would use it towards holiday gifts 🙂
I would love to use it towards gifts and preparations for the holidays.
Gifts for Christmas!
I would use it for Christmas shopping!
I would definitely use it to help with Christmas!
Brita faucet filters
I’d use it to buy Christmas gifts.
i would use it for gifts!
I’d definitely use this to help with Christmas gifts for my three boys! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I would use the gift card for Christmas gifts 🙂
I would use it to buy Christmas gifts for my family if I win! It would be a blessing.
I would use this gift card to work on my baby’s nursery! I am expecting in early March and haven’t even begun to start purchasing nursery items.
I’m an avid amazon user. I’d probably use it for household supplies and maybe grab a few books for my son and me.
I would get a few things we need for the house.
I would use it on gifts for my family! Thank you!
I would use it to Christmas shop for my kids. I just love amazon and your blog.
I would use this for food and other essentials. Money is tight this year.
I would buy some Christmas presents and also a crystal wind chime. They are so pretty.
I would use for Christmas presents
i would use it to buy a vacuum
I would use this for Christmas presents for the kiddos and my mom
I would use it for an early jump start on Christmas.
i’d use it for holiday shopping
I would use the gift card to buy xmas presents.
I would buy Christmas gifts for my children, since money is tight this year.
I’d buy dog food for my 2 dogs I just adopted from the recent hurricanes!
I would use it to buy Christmas Gifts!!
I’d use it for Christmas gifts!
Either a little help for Christmas shopping or school books for the upcoming spring semester. Christmas shopping would be much more fun though 😉
I think its so amazing what your doing, I know this would be a blessing to get my kiddos something this Christmas. I am sure everyone has their struggles and stories. May God bless all and have a Merry Christmas
stuff I want
I will put it towards a new laptop for my daughter to take to college with her.
Christmas Gifts
I’ll put it toward a new laptop.
I’d use it to buy a plane ticket for my daughter to come home in February when her aunt’s baby is due.
I would buy a new tablet.
i would use the gift card to buy Christmas gifts for my family. it would make this Christmas awesome.
I would use it for christmas gifts!
I would use it for new bedding.
I would use it for a new tv. Thank you!
I would use it to get a twin bed for my mom. Due to her health, she just moved in with me and is currently using my bed and I am sleeping on the couch.
I would get the kids some presents
I would use for Christmas gifts.
I would use it for some new books and shoes.
I would use it to get a Kindle and shoes for kids.
I would use the gift card to buy Christmas presents. Thanks for the chance!
I would get the kids some presents & some new bedding.
I would follow all these tips as these are important but one simple thing also that stay away from unnecessary contents and link on internet.
I would use it towards fitness equipment.
From a new shower curtain and towels, to a pair of running shoes and Christmas gifts for the grandkids – this prize will be a great dent to the beginning of my shopping spree. Thanks
For my new Grandson baby items when he arrives!
I would buy Play Station games for my boys.
i will use it for xmas gifts.
Christmas gifts – especially for my kiddo’s!
If I won I would use the gift card for Christmas gifts for my family and friends.
I would absolutely love to buy us new phones as they’re BOTH cracked…
I would love to replace my daughters kindle!! Hers has had it!!
It’s that time! Christmas gifts.
I would use the gift card to buy christmas gifts!
I would use it for the holidays
I would use it for Christmas presents!
I would love to purchase Christmas gifts with the gift card.
I would use it for Christmas gifts.
I would use the gift card to buy baby clothes
I would use it to buy Christmas presents!
I would use it to buy Christmas presents!
I want to get some gifts for myself!
I’d buy Christmas presents.
I would use it for Christmas gifts.
I would use it towards getting glasses so I can start driving again.
I would use it towards household items and pantry goods!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Christmas gifts maybe a little something for me, I love luxury soaps
I would use it for Christmas gifts for family and books for me.
I’ll use it to buy Christmas gifts
I’d get a portable backup hard drive
I would buy my twins Christmas presents!
I will use it to buy Christmas gifts for the family!
I would put it towards Christmas gifts. Thanks!
I’d use it to buy some Christmas gifts!
I would use the gift card to buy diapers and toys for my son due in January. Thank you for the safety tips, so many great ones I will definitely be using!
I would use the gift card for some home decor. My walls are way to bare.
new laptop
I need a new laptop so I believe that’s what I would use it for.
Definitely Christmas shopping! It would be soo helpful!
I would use it to buy supplies for the cat my Dad just adopted. Little Duke needs a new bed!
I will use the gift card to buy a new laptop.
I would take my hubby to a much needed weekend away.
I’d use it to get presents for my nephews and niece.
I’d use the card for some Christmas presents for my two sons.
I would use it for clothes.
I would get a Nintendo Switch for my family to enjoy! A great bonding experience that can come with us on the road.
I would use the gift card to get gifts for my kids this Christmas.
4k blue ray player to watch 4k movies on would be so nice. Thanks so much.
I would use it for my kids christmas tablets im gonna get them
It would be a huge blessing to buy a bunk bed for my kids. Thanks for the wonderful chance 🙂 very generous!
much needed diapers and new underwear for my boys…
I would buy christmas gifts for my kids.
Christmas presents for my nephews.
I would Christmas presents for my children with it.
I would buy Christmas presents!
I would buy the kids some Christmas presents
I would buy a new cell phone; mine just broke.
i will use it to buy something really nice for my parents! they deserve something great
I’d put it towards Christmas gifts for my kids.
I will use the gift card to buy my family Christmas presents.
I will use it for Christmas gifts.
I will use it on a better router! The back half of the house gets no internet. Dead Zone.
I would use it to buy Christmas presents! I have barely started shopping and this would really help. Fingers crossed!
I would use this to help with Christmas this year.
I am debating whether to go for this:
da Vinci mini Wireless 3D Printer
…or this
NVIDIA SHIELD TV | Streaming Media Player with Remote & Game Controller
I’ll give it to my son, who is a freshman in college ( GA State).
Christmas presents!
I would spoil myself and get perfume and makeup!
Nice tips
I would use it for christmas presents
I would use it to replace winter clothes my son is outgrowing.
It would be perfect timing. I would use my card to buy awesome Christmas Presents.
I would love to use this towards Christmas gifts for my three children.
I would use this to buy new sneakers, printer ink and a printer for my daughter.
Christmas gifts to help me in buying for my family.
Probably buy Christmas gifts!
I would buy both my kiddos winter jackets. Thanks for the FUN & GENEROUS giveaway, cheers! xoxo
I would use it to buy new fixtures for a bathroom renovation.
I will be using the gift card for Christmas gifts.
I would use it for books
I want to get a security cam for the house.
Daughter needs a computer upgrade. Would help with school for sure!
I need a new battery for my laptop…or I may just use this to get a brand new laptop, which I really DO need!
My daughter needs a new computer!
I would put it toward a new Canon Camera Lens I’ve had my eye on for awhile now.
I am due with my second baby in December so I would use it for a few things for her and christimas presents for my son.
I’d use it towards a new camera lens.
Great tips!
I have no idea the details but will shop very carefully. That’s for sure. Need jackets for winter..
New kitchen gadgets.
diapers and Christmas gift
I will buy new antivirus for my computers!
I will use it for camera equipment.
I would use the gift card for Christmas gifts for family.
If I won, I would use the card for Christmas gifts.
I would like to buy some items for my son’s speech therapy so we can work on his skills from home.
I would stock up on some pantry staples to last me a few months.
use it for some gifts for christmas
I will use it for Christmas presents for my family!!
Oh I would love to use this for a school tablet. They have them doing work on some programs at home, and a little tablet would be perfect for him to do his school work. They have such great information on their website. I always worry about safety and security online for my family. You hear such horrible stories.
Christmas gifts
Christmas gifts for my babies!!
I would use it for Christmas presents!
I’d use it for Christmas gifts, probably a Switch.
We really need a new router. I would use it for that!!
I would use it for either Blu-rays, or books on film, since I am a film student.
I will put it towards a new Amazon mattress
I would use it for Christmas.
I’d use the money for an epic present for my kids!
I would ues it for birthday gifts
I would use it to buy Christmas presents.
we need a new clothes dresser. Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
I have a very old Tv in the bedroom and would really love to upgrade with a new small flatscreen
I would buy some books that have been on my wish list for a while.
I just moved to a studio, so I’d use the card to make the space more functional.
I have two foster kids and need to buy Christmas gifts for them.
I would purchase the gift card to buy my kids some new toys x
I would use it to purchase Christmas gifts.
I would use this gift card for a christmas present for my kid, nieces, and nephews
I would use it for Christmas presents
I would use the gift card towards a new mattress!
I would use the gift card for Christmas gifts.
I would use the gift card to help my sis get x-mas gifts for her 3 babies
I would use his for the holidays. With four kids, every little bit helps and this would be great.
I’d use it towards Christmas shopping.
I would use the gift card to buy some new pots and pans.
I would just the gift card for holiday gifts for sure – like a headset for my brother!
I’d use it to buy some holiday gifts and maybe some winter boots for myself!
I’d buy a new Kindle!
I would use it toward holiday gifts for my family. Thanks for the chance.
Hmmm its tough but I would use it for some gifts for my family, instead of myself.
i will use it to buy some hair extensions
I would add it to my account for future purchases.
My son buys all his college textbooks on Amazon. I will add to his account.
I would put this towards a laptop for my daughter. It’s the only thing she wants for Christmas.
I would use it for Christmas gifts.
I would use it for christmas gifts
I’ll use the gift card for a new set of cookware
I would use it for Christmas gifts!
Hubby needs a electric shaver/
I would put this towards christmas gifts. Its a tight year.
I’d put it toward Christmas presents!
I’d buy me a desktop computer, thanks for the chance to win!
I have a 14 month old. I’d use it towards his xmas gifts!
I would buy myself some books, healthy green juice, and STEM toys for my little one.
Christmas presents
I would put the gift card toward new items for my apartments such as a Roku.
I would use it towards a chromebook for my daughter
I would use it to get a tablet for my niece
I would use it for gift cards.
I would use this card to surprise my son with a new bed. Thank you for the chance to win this amazing prize!
Great giveaway
Christmas presents for my little one 🙂
I would use the gift card for buying my family Christmas presents.
I would use it to help buy Christmas gifts
I would use it on jewelry
I would use the gift card towards my children’s Christmas!
it would be used towards a new laptop for my daughter for school
To buy a new laptop for my husband
I would use it towards Christmas gifts. Thanks for the chance to win!
Definitely Christmas gifts! I might throw in a couple of books for my kindle too.
I will use the gift card to buy christmas presents for my children.
I will use the gift card to buy presents for my family
I’d use it for some new clothes.
It would go towards my babies for christmas
I would use it on Christmas gifts for my kids. Thank you!
i Would use it for Christmas for my kids and family
I would use my gift card for Christmas presents and also to probably splurge on a cute pair of boots I’ve had my eye on for a while!
I would use it for Christmas shopping for my kids
I have five sons, so yeah, I’d certainly use it towards Christmas! Thanks for the opportunity! My fingers are crossed!
Hi! I am also in Chicagoland. Just north in Evanston! I would use the gift card to buy a gift for my hard working husband for Christmas. He has been supporting all 5 of us this year while I finish up my bachelor’s degree. He keeps telling me not to get him anything, but I want to! 🙂
I would put it towards a Playstation Console for my kids for Christmas!
I would use it for some Christmas shopping for my kids
Christmas for the grandchildren and maybe, a few books for myself.
I will use it for my kids holiday shopping
I will use the gift card for holiday shopping this year.
I’d get a tracking/notification device so that I’d feel safer on walks by myself.
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
I’ll use it towards Christmas for my boy
I would use it for Christmas gifts.
I would put it toward a new camera.
I would put it towards gifts for my girls. I would get some boots, makeup stuff and earrings for my girls. Thank you!
I would use it to buy Christmas presents for my son.
I would like to use this in on a new computer for our grandson.
Christmas presents. I am thinking makeup, clothes and toys
I would use this to get my daughter a laptop for Christmas. It’s something she really wants and i would love to be able to gift that to her.
I am going to buy a bluetooth speaker with it.
I would use some of it for grocery items and some for some new bras and undies for myself.
Oh boy I would shop for the grand kids for Christmas!
Rafflecopter name Barbara Montag
thank you
I will use it to purchase Christmas gifts.
I would buy more sensory items for my so with special needs.
for Christmas gifts
I would use it for Christmas gifts!
I would love to update my router!
I would shop for Christmas gifts or use it to travel.
I would use it for Christmas gifts!
An exercise bike and Christmas gifts for my family.
I would use the gift card for Christmas gifts for my family!
I would use the gift card to buy a couple items I need for my babies nursery.
If I were so lucky, I’d love to use it for books.
I would put it towards my Christmas list
I’d use it for Christmas shopping, since it looks like things are going to be tight for us this year.
I would buy a tablet
That would be a great start to holiday baking!
I would use the gift card to buy a new hair dryer!
BOth my kids have December birthdays…the Christmas, of course. I’m glad to have read these tips on security–I just had a similar conversation with my DIL and will pass on this info. Thanks.
I will be using this gift card for Christmas shopping!
I’ll buy my son a Nintendo Switch for his birthday. Thanks for the chance!
I would absolutely use this for Christmas, we have two little ones and a big extended family we like to buy for, nieces and nephews and such, so this would be a tremendous blessing!
I would use it for Christmas gifts and for some cookware for our household.
I got laid off from my job, and I would use it to buy my kids Christmas Gifts for the Holidays. Thanks for such a awesome giveaway!
I would use it to buy Boots for my girls
i would use it to buy a christmas present for my husband(:
Christmas gifts!
I would buy books and winter clothes for my kids.
I would use it towards some baby items we still need for our first baby due in a few weeks!
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Ashley C
I would use it for Christmas gifts for my kids!
I would use it for holiday gifts for the family.
I will use it to buy my mom a digital camera.
I will use it for the holidays for gifts
Extra gifts for neices and nephews as parents do not have a lot.
I would buy a new coat and some cute boots
I’ll buy gift cards for the fam!
I will use the gift card to take my dad out for Thanksgiving dinner.
Probably a chrome book for my daughter for christmas
I would use the card to buy (or put towards) a new laptop. I have been on a desktop for awhile and it is driving me nuts.
ellen beck
Christmas stuff for the Grandkids!!
I would use it to buy Christmas gifts with, as I am on disability, I am on a fixed, low income. This would really help out so much. That’s so much for this chance.
I would use it to buy some Christmas gifts.
If I won, I would buy a Keurig coffee maker.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I would use this toward the purchase of a new laptop.
These are such great tips and they are so important! I would use this for a few college books that I will need for Spring Semester for my nursing degree! So helpful because books totally add up- even used! xo
I may use it to re-up with Trend Micro….great online protection. 🙂 Thank you.
I would use it for Christmas gifts!
I would use it towards Christmas shopping. Thanks s much for this chance.
Thank you for writing this. I’ve increased my online shopping transactions. I sometimes forget the issues that can occur for not being diligent in protecting myself.