Over the past few years, we have heard a lot about living “green”. But what exactly does that mean? The short definition is that Green living is a lifestyle that tries in as many ways as it can to bring into balance the conservation and preservation of the Earth’s natural resources, habitats, and biodiversity with human culture and communities.
On the expressway that I drive to go home, there is a landfill. It’s pretty though. They have covered it over with grass and trees so that it just looks like hills. However, every now and then they kick on the burners and it smells horrible. That smell is waste. It is definitely not good for the environment.
When it comes to major ecological issues, we often hear about the efforts made by the average person. The people who compost, grow their own food and recycle as much as possible. But, more and more corporations are taking note and joining the fight to lessen our impact on the Earth. It seems nearly impossible considering the things that are created by these corporations, but it is possible. Earth Day is this Sunday, April 22. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that large businesses are helping make an impact on Earth Day and beyond.
Manufacturers Look For Results
Manufacturers like AJ Weller (http://ajweller.com/), have been actively researching and implementing greener options in order to lessen their impact on the Earth and save money. Creating items that are stronger and less corrosive have been the focus. A material that doesn’t corrode easily, or at all, certainly keeps from damaging soil and waterways but also means less in maintenance and replacement. Sustainability becomes achievable and allows us to continue to grow rather than diminishing. And, when manufacturers can develop sustainable materials to save themselves time and money those same materials can be used in a multitude of ways and across many sectors.
Tech Companies Find Ways To Lessen Trash
There are so many high-tech items on the market and we replace them often. Unfortunately, many of these items have landed in our landfills when they aren’t biodegradable. Since we can’t remove these items completely from our lives, tech companies have been looking for ways to lessen their impact from creation to disposal. Companies have created programs to monitor how your home uses utilities and gives you tips to lowering your bill and impact. Getting rid of old electronics? When recycling cell phones, televisions, and laptops use programs that either pay you for your old gadget or donates them to organizations in need. Buy from companies that are using materials that are longer lasting so you aren’t replacing your tech gadgets annually.
Home Building Looks Different
I have recently talked to you about building healthier homes, but what about green homes? Newer homes built for our growing population have been steadily leaning to a more ecologically sound product. Builders are using smart building with high ceilings and proper placement, efficient heating and cooling systems, and materials that are less harmful to humans and the planet. When a home is built in this way it can cut down on the cost of heating and cooling. Incorporating solar panels and skylights can help cut down on the need for electricity. We have a skylight in our Master Bathroom and for the most part, it saves us having to turn on lights during the day. Some who are really into the environmentally sound life may choose to use self-composting toilets and composting kitchens which cut down on waste in sewer systems and landfills. While these options were once available only to the upper class, more and more builders are finding ways to make these homes affordable for all so that we can all help cut down on using older standards.
How Can The Average Consumer Help?
One of the most important things a consumer can do is support companies and corporations who are adopting ecologically sound practices. Many people already engage in mindful observations of the companies they purchase with and yet we all assume that some sectors simply won’t be ecologically sound. That may be a tech company, a plastics company, or a steel mill. We encourage paying attention to those sectors as well and support the ones working hard at changing their footprint.
Do your part to correctly dispose of waste, recycle, and teach your family how to live a little greener.