I love having interesting conversations with my kids. Here is an interview that I conducted with my first born Alexis (6) a few days ago.
1. What would you like to be when you grow up?
Alexis: “I want to turn into a man and be a fireman”
Me: “Uhh, what? Why?”
Alexis: “So I can be a firefighter”
(meanwhile in the background kristopher is going “no no no, Lexi you cannot be a firefighter!”)
Me: “You do not have to turn into a man to be firefighter”
Kayla: “There are such things as fire girls!”
Alexis: “Ok, well i want to be a firefighter!”
2. What is your favorite thing about being a kid?
Alexis: “That I get to go to school. And I get to go to spanish class.”
Me: “Is that it?”
Alexis: “Uhh, no. That I don’t have to iron my clothes and get burned.”
3. Where do babies come from?
“Babies come from their mommies and their mommies come from their mommies and their mommies come from their mommies, and their mommies come from Heaven!”
Kids are so funny.
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