My curiosity of the web numbers continues. In my post What the heck is Alexa anyway? I described a bit about the purpose of caring about your Alexa number. I also mentioned complaints found around the web the the numbers are widely inaccurate so we should not put too much worry into them.
Well, now I really believe that! The widget in my sidebar has not updated in days. When I go to and look up the info on my site the number is lower. (Click for a larger image.)
So I thought that maybe my widget needed to be replaced. Check this out. It’s from the widget config page…
On the same page, how can different shaped widgets have different numbers?? All of this should come from the same database I would think.
What gives Alexa?
I am just starting to look at stats. Maybe I will put it off! Now following from MBC FFF!
So funny… I use Google Analytics and Statcounter as well. And my next blog post is about how different those numbers always are!! I mean WAY off from each other. I have decided that I am not relying on Statcounter for number anymore, only to see where traffic came from.
Stats are so frustrating sometimes. I've had pr companies turn me down for reviews because I wasn't using Alexa or Technorati. I've always relied on Statcounter and Google Analytics, but that wasn't enough. So I installed both. Don't even get me started on how confusing Technorati is, I “claimed” my blog but can't even get them to give me a button/badge for my blog so readers can favorite me to help out my ranking. Frustrating that these unreliable sites matter so much.