So, in 6 years of watching Lost faithfully, I have never posted about it. I have only mentioned it in passing in a post about Twitter hashtags. But yep… I’m a fan. A frantic fan. I have watched from day 1! I told my FB friends that I was going to need a support group. So, here goes… please jump in and spread the hugs, and theories!
The more I think about it, the more ok I am with the end. It did make a lot of sense. It was VERY emotional and touching, and it fit. But yes… some questions have still been left unanswered, but that is the nature of the show… they give us clues and leave it up to us to think on it and figure out some stuff.
Did you catch the Jimmy Kimmel episode? I liked it. I love that they discussed a bit of the theories and the ending and why or why not certain things may have occurred. So here are my list of questions and my opinion on my each:
1. Why were Michael and Walt not in the church? On Kimmel, they said that Michael did a lot of bad stuff, so that is probably why he was not there. But what about Walt? I think he should have been there. In the beginning, they led us to believe that he was a very important part of the island, and a special boy. So, his absence this season has been weird.
2. Eloise Hawking knew…. but apparently she did not want to move on and just wanted to hang out in the alternate world. Or… was she actually evil and did not want them all to move on? Because she did not want Desmond to tell them. Who is she really??? She was always mysterious!! And she seems to know all about everything.
3. When talking to Jack in the back of the church, Christian said “All that stuff that happened to you was real.” So, it would have been nice to get a bit more explanation about how the island came to be, what EXACTLY was the purpose of the light? Did the island actually control the fate of the whole world? Or just itself? If it crumbled would the world end?
4. Desmond supposedly caused the plane crash by not pushing the button. But yet Jacob brought the castaways to the island for the purpose of being candidates. So umm… did Jacob cause Desmond to be late pushing the button??? I cannot remember the exact circumstances surrounding why he did not push it in time.
5. How old were Jacob and M.I.B.? We got the impression from the flashbacks that they had been on the island for a long, long time. But now I think that they were actually only there was 40+ years (however old they are). I got the impression that they were immortal in some way, but maybe not. Was their mother lying when she said that she made it so they could not hurt each other?? And that brings me to…
6. If drinking water from the stream made the candidate “now you are like me” per Jacob, what did that mean really?? I assumed when it happened to Jacob that he was now immortal, and I assumed the same with Jack. And that they could only die under special circumstances. But, M.I.B. was able to kill Jack so easily for the most part. So, was the drinking of the water just for show?
7. Poor Ben did not want to go in the church because he was struggling with all the bad things that he had done and he was not ready for his judgement. But what about the bad stuff some of the others did? It seemed obvious that everyone inside the church had been forgiven for whatever they had done. And that is as it should be. But poor Ben was not ready. He said he still had some stuff to work out. (Not really a question, I know. Just a thought!)
I’m sure I could come up with SO much more to say! And yes… I will probably be watching all of season 6 again.
See, I just thought of another one!! Desmond is truly that one that seemed invincible based on what we have learned in the past few episodes.. so when and how did he die??
Ok, another question from watching right now… Why didn’t Desmond want to take Daniel Widmore (Farraday)?
Whew… my brain hurts!
Kris Cain
Great question about Richard. I guess because he was originally immortal, his first “kill” just turns him into a regular man. After that, he could be killed for real. My guess anyway.
Penny was not ON the island, but she did bring her boat to the island and ended up rescuing the Oceanic 6, so maybe that's why.
Kris Cain
Nope. I'll have to check that out!
wardell latham
Have you seen the 100 unanswered Lost questions video?
Chocolate Mom
Tuesday nights will never be the same!!!!!!!
Trigaron (Amy
That question about Eloise is a really, really good one. And you know I am really bothered by Walt's absence, though I get that he may not be dead yet. and he was brought back is now, yep, super-tall:) but I loved him. he was one of the best characters. and I also thought Michael turning into a killer, even for his son, was wildly out of character. That said, I was so happy that they brought him back this year and his explanation of the island whispers was such a good one. I would have liked to see him again, though…
I am going to watch this one again….the more that I think about it, the more I loved it. and the more I will miss it.
Kris, it's Kristen…couldn't figure out how to log in since I never have. ANYWAY! Am I correct that Richard's ageless thing went away after he was sucked up by the smoke monster, hence the first gray hair? And why was Richard merely sucked up by smokey and not killed or pulverized like everyone else? Why did Penny get to be at the church? She was never on the island or a flight, right? Rose and Bernard (with Vincent) stayed on the island until their deaths, right, since Hurley and Ben stayed to carry on and protect the island? And they somehow got Desmond off the island since Ben said keeping people from leaving was Jacob's thing? Does that mean the electromagnetic stuff/the plug in the light, etc…was what…? Millions of questions.
Ben is going to be a whisper forever, like Michael? Whatever became of the Hanso foundation? What would have been so bad about MIB leaving the island? Was that just Jacob playing a game?
OMG Kris…this is driving me crazy. So many questions still that are never going to be answered. The big question for me was where was Michael, Walt, and Jin (the Kwan's baby). Did they not actually have the baby because baby Aaron was with Claire and Charlie in the church but he left with Jack and Kate the first time they left the island (or did they?) Also, I was thinking that the church only had the people who actually died on the Island but that not the case. Sawyer, Claire and Kate left the island so they had to die later on then why wasn't Walt and Jin (if she was ever born) with them.
Secondly, what was the purpuse of the Dharma Initiative? They made this such a big part of the storyline to just leave it hanging. OMG…this is going to drive me insane. I hope that they do make a movie out of this…LOL to wrap up all of the loose ends.