Well, I got word earlier today that I did not win the Lose the Laptop challenge in June. Booooooooo!! But, congrats to those that have won already. Twincident in April, HighTechDad in May, and TechSavvyMama in June. But I want to win!!! This month is the Grand Prize month. The prize at stake is $5000 in cash!!!
This month’s challenge has no theme. We are free to be open and unique in our posts. My first post for this month is up at. Please click over and take a look, and then VOTE! So I thought that I would put a spin on this month’s posts. I am looking for you to give me a challenge!
Help me win and you too can win $5000 in cash for yourself. But you have to vote EVERY DAY!!!
Please read Summer, summer, summer time… and help me out by voting EVERY DAY!! Set a reminder on your calendar. 😉
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