Personal security is an important issue whether locking the doors to your home, relying on your car’s security system to deter intruders, or ensuring you computer’s antivirus protection is up to date. With all of the recent news about Facebook privacy, it is even important to safeguard your social network from prying eyes and e-threats.
BitDefender is looking to protect your Facebook account by creating a robust application that will protect users from prying eyes and e-threats while also allowing you to safely access shared pictures, videos, and files. safego is designed to curb threats to personal privacy, spam attacks, and malware distribution campaigns that have been found to occur through this popular social networking platform.
How does it work?
Installing safego provides:
- Privacy protection- You’ll be warned when you should modify your Facebook privacy settings so that personal information isn’t exposed.
- Automatic scanning- Just press the “scan now” button to get a snapshot of your Facebook security status.
- 24/7 protection- Your account is protected even when you’re not logged into Facebook.
- Protection for your friends- You’ll have the ability to warn your friends about infected links in their Facebook accounts.
Since safego is in BETA version, BitDefender invites you to be a part of this new product by sharing your opinion during this final testing phase. Direct feedback will be used by the company to make final tweaks.
Here’s how you can help:
- Visit BitDefender’s safego Facebook app page to take a look at safego
- Submit any feedback via email to
For more information about keeping yourself and your family safe online, visit, a community dedicated to providing free resources and a place for parents to seek advice about keeping children safe on the internet.
I am sharing this information as a BitMom Blog Network Member. No compensation was received for this post, however, I do receive a stipend to attend a blogging conference of my choice.
I’m a sucker for and app but you had me at “Facebook”