So it was just 3 short days ago that my friend Sidney (@hystericalmom) after I IM’d her said something like “Angry Birds are pissing me off.” I was like “What?!?!”. After she told me that it was game I checked it out. I was instantly hooked. I stayed up late playing angry birds.. 2 nights in a row. I got my kids hooked. The addiction was so bad that the kid (all 4 of them) did not want to wait their turn to play. I had to load it up on my iPad, iPhone, old iPhone, and Evo so that they could all play at once. Then I was left out… so I found yet another phone that I was not using and loaded it up on there too. Pitiful right?? They even abandoned the Wii for a bit because the birds were calling their names.
This was the last thing that I needed to discover with all the crap that I have to do. And today, I saw this on C.C. Chapman‘s Facebook page. HA HA HA HA HA!! Classic.
What is it about those dang birds??
Hooked here, too, Kris!!!! We have it on Dev’s iTouch, my phone, Eric’s phone. . .and it’s still not enough. . .lol
ain’t it the truth ?!
I’m so hooked – wrote two posts here: and
And, obviously, play everyday – I can’t get past level 21 though 🙂
yeah! I love angry birds too! that skit was hilarious…just one more addiction. what is it about those birds? lol!