I recently wrote a post about how I was cleaning up my Gmail because I was so close to quota. I got a warning that I was 98%. That is a LOT of mail!! That means I was using almost every bit of my 7+ GB that they allow. It turned out that problem was due to a Yahoo Group mailing list that I belonged to. It was filtering into a “folder” and since I had not looked at it in so long, the link to the folder was hiding in my default Gmail view. I had to click on the little “13 more” link under my Folder list to find it. The list is for sharing clipart and tubes, so each and every message had at least 1 attachment. I cleared that out and gained back a LOT of storage.
But, what if you don’t want to delete anything? What are your options? There are a few things that you can do. But, the easiest one is to increase your Gmail storage. I learned yesterday that I could upgrade very, very reasonably! I paid $5 for one year and added 20gb of storage to my account. The storage can be used across all of your Google services, not just Gmail. This means that you can utilize it in Gmail, Google Docs, & Picasa.
To add more storage to your account, visit the Purchase Additional Storage page.
Your options are:
Once you decide and purchase, the extra storage is active in your account within 24 hours.
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Personally, though, after going through and deleting a bunch of emails I realized — what’s the point of trying to keep up with this when we’re talking about $5 for a whole year?!? So I’ve up’d by 20gb and don’t have to think about that for a while now!
Thanks for the useful information. I had to delete a bunch of old emails and forward some other ones I wanted to save to a different email account.