I have written before about recycling mobile phones. This guest post gives us some insight into why dumping them is bad. It also names a few more sites where you can unload them.
Today, mobile phones are one of the greatest passions of a large number of people. So, people always like to change their handsets. When new trendy, advanced gadgets are released, these early adopters will rush out and get that product. There are many recycling companies helping the economy by providing money for your old unwanted mobiles. Selling your old mobile phone for cash will make you reap monetary benefits.
I usually sell mobile phones to a recycling company for the best price and to make some money. This prevents the habit of tossing the old handsets into trash bins or landfills. This is a serious problem for those who are concerned with environmental protection and health of the people.
Most people who throw their old mobile phones into trash bins are a great nuisance to the environmental well-wishers of the world. But with just a little work, you can solve it with ease by selling your mobile phones.
Now many websites like Envirofone, Mazuma, Mobile Phone Exchange, Fonebank and FoneHub are offering recycling facilities for your unused or damaged mobile phones. You can sell off all of your old mobiles on these websites and can earn a comparative price for your phones. You don’t even have to go anywhere to recycle. You can easily recycle from your home through the web.
Many mobile phone manufactures like Nokia, Samsung, LG, HTC, and Sony Ericsson are making green mobiles with solar batteries to prevent carbon emissions in the environment due to mobile phones. So if you have old or damaged mobiles, sell mobile phones online to help out the economy and protect us from the clutches of carbon emissions.
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