After about a year and a half on Hostmonster, I am switching over to Hostgator. Why? Well, although it’s been pretty stable over the past couple of months, Hostmonster has gone down quite a bit. I have dealt with DB errors on days when my site got hit hard, and complete outages for several hours. And it is pretty slow.
The main reason that I decided to move is now that my site is up for renewal. In the past 6 months I have renewed for only 3 months at a time because I knew that I would want to move soon. Also, I am currently running 2 hosting accounts on Hostmonster, so I am paying double. So, on Hostgator I am signing up for a business plan that will cost less than I pay now with more benefits. I have a lot of sites and files to move. This should be fun.
But, this is a long time coming. I have done quite a bit of research. Well ok, I eventually gave up on research and decided that I better just do it. So, if things get wonky for the next couple of days, that is why. 🙂
And I’m sure you have noticed that I have been MIA this week. I have been pretty brain dead. It seems to happen about once a month for a couple of days at a time. I’m waking up now and getting back to work. 🙂
I’ve been on Host Gator for almost 3 years and love it! No problems!