Right before I left for Orlando (oh, didn’t know I was in Orlando?? – More on that soon), I received a awesome, shiny, new Motorola Xoom to try out as part of the Verizon Wireless Midwest Mom Blogger program. Can you say perfect for me?? I had been researching, and researching, and researching Android tablets for at least a couple of months and was very close to taking the plunge. Then divine intervention happened. LOL!! Queue the Heaven’s opening and the “AHHHHHH” noise (you know.. from the movies).
As part of the program, over the next few months you will learn how I stay connected while out and about with my Xoom. I have only had it for a little over a week, but I am already in love. I wrote a post a while ago about how I wanted a Xoom. Well, I am not disappointed.
Before my trip, I loaded it up with several episodes of True Blood (yes, I’m addicted) to watch while on the plane and during down time. I went into Google Music which is already populated with much of my library and made a bunch of my music available offline so that I could access it on the plane even though I was not connected. I think I have installed almost 50 apps. Most of them are productivity apps. I am not a huge game player. I don’t have time for many games (except Angry Birds of course). My next post will be about my favorite apps.
Also, Verizon is busy rolling our their new super fast 4G LTE service. Our Xooms will soon be upgraded. And, we will soon have 4G LTE Smartphones to try out. I can’t wait!
If you have an Android tablet or phone, even if not a Xoom, hopefully you can pick up some tips along that way that help you use them to their full potential.
Disclosure: This post is part of my involvement in the Verizon Midwest Mom Blogger program. As part of this program I receive two devices. All opinions are my own.
Congrats. I had no idea that Verizon had a program like that. I have the Barnes and Noble Nook Color and am trying to find the easiest way to dual boot it into a tablet – I haven’t decided on Honeycomb or CM7 yet.
Have fun and I can’t wait to read about your tablet-centric apps.
Oooh, you are a woman after my own heart!! I have CM7 on my Evo. It rocks!! Good luck getting that done. I would be very interested to hear how that goes. I will say that installing CM7 is a pain, but it is worth it.