I have gotten some um “strange” PR pitches in my day, but I think this one takes the cake!
Hello Kris,
There are more slaves in the world today – an estimated 27 million people – than at any other time in history.
And, if you use a smartphone, use tablet, or own a game console, you may have as many as 8.6 slaves working for you, according to Slavery Footprint, a new online calculator and app that reveals how much your lifestyle depends on forced labor.
For your technology and gadget coverage, I thought you’d you want to let your readers know about this new tool.
Rather than place guilt on shoppers or blame brands, the goal of Slavery Footprint is to personalize this complex issue. Once you receive your Slavery Footprint score, the app makes it easy for consumers to tell their favorite brands that they care about this issue and, more importantly, ask brands to independently assess if forced labor is used at any point in their supply chains.
To generate your Slavery Footprint, the interactive survey at slaveryfootprint.org asks 11 questions – from what’s in your closet and jewelry box and medicine cabinet to what gadgets you own. It then calculates a score based on where the raw materials in those products came from (such as minerals for eye shadow or cotton for t-shirts), how the finished products are made, and how many slaves are likely involved in its production.
Slavery Footprint was created by Call + Response, an anti-slavery organization, in collaboration with the State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. If you’re interested, I can arrange an interview for you with Justin Dillon, the creator of Slavery Footprint.
Below my signature you’ll find more information on the Slavery Footprint campaign.
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