Man, this has just been the year of Social Media changes, and not necessarily for the good. Just a few days after Klout Upset the Blogosphere with new Metrics, Triberr has announced several changes. A lot of the changes are good, some not so good. The main draw of Triberr was that it helped us promote and support each other automatically. You would setup a tribe based on other tweeters that you shared common interest with, and when you post to your blog the post automatically goes into your tribe queue and it sends out over a period of time. The reach is huge. This is a great way to get your content seen by many eyes that might not normally see it. And, it was a great way to get more followers, and more hits to your blog.
Triberr has just disabled the auto-tweet. They stated that it was done to comply with Twitter’s TOS. They were not sure if the TOS was always that way, or that it has been changed recently. Twitter frowns upon the same tweet being sent repeatedly in some ways that can mimic spam. And that I certainly understand.
Automation has been disabled – We disabled automation in order to comply with Twitters TOS. While Twitter still allows automation, they frown upon promotional tweets and content duplicated across accounts. Disabling automation was necessary to reduce the number low quality content, promotional content coming from Triberr. All members must manually approve posts for sending. More details here:
The Triberr guys are awesome and they do respond to tweets and emails. They gave me some tips not too long ago on how to pick and choose which of my posts got tweeted out, because frankly not EVERY post is worthy of being sent out to 50,000 people. LOL!
In tweeting with them just a bit ago they admit that they should have sent out an email announcement with the changes, but they are just two guys with full-time jobs doing this on the side. This prompted me to basically say “Oh, you are normal like the rest of us!” LOL 🙂
But in reality, this poses a problem for me and I am sure many other people who will feel the same way. That is that we do not have the time (ok.. the memory) to check for new posts that need to be sent out a couple of times a day. I looked in my account today and sent out a couple after I heard about the change. But some posts in there were like 4 days old and if I sent them out now they would be irrelevant. Yikes!
I am going to TRY to remember to check it once per day, but I make no promises. 🙂
But Dan and Dino are doing a great job and obviously came up with something big. I wish them luck! Check out Dan’s post Triberr v2 is here! What Lies Beneath? to read about all of the changes.
Karen Chapman Wilson
I have been debating deleting my triberr account because I just don’t like the way it works. This kind of pushes me right out the door. I think I’m going to go with the plan of setting up a private twitter list of all the blogs I follow that I’d be in a tribe with and just RT from there. Then I don’t run the risk of people filtering out triberr links. The idea is fantastic – I was interested as soon as I heard about it, but they made it too difficult to use. I don’t want to have to have to invite people to get full functionality and the tribes I was being invited to were not particularly in line with my content.