Yesterday afternoon I arrived in beautiful, busy Los Angeles, CA after what seemed like 3 days of travel. LOL! I actually drove from my home in the Chicago area up to Milwaukee, WI. I left my car there and flew to LA by way of Denver, CO. I have to go back to Milwaukee because I am attending another conference there on Thursday. Yes, busy week!
After landing waiting for luggage took a while, waiting for my shuttle took a while, and getting through traffic to our hotel clear on the other side of town took a while. My ride in the van was interesting though. I chatted with some guys who also in town for E3. One was an iPhone gaming app developer. It was interesting hearing a little bit of the process of “getting your game in the app store” from him. Another told a story of how he chatted up a guy next to him on the plane only to later find out that he was someone very important at Nintendo.
Our task while here in town? Conquer the E3 conference. Oy! What is E3? E3 stands for Electronic Entertainment Expo. In other words it is all about gaming. Companies like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are here showing their latest. And the place is filled with other companies that have a hand in the gaming industry.
Then of course there are the gamers. Tons and tons of gamers. Estimates state that there may be as many as 10,000 people in attendance. YIKES! Can you say hold on to your buddy and don’t let go? 🙂 My buddy for this trip is my good friend Leticia Barr aka Tech Savvy Mama. We are tackling E3 together on behalf of AMD as part of our roles as AMD Tech Mom Ambassadors. Later today we will be walking the floor with their E3 expert who will point out all the hot things that we do not want to miss at the show.
While here, since we are also Playstation Family Ambassadors we will also get to meet with Playstation and check out their newest title in family gaming. And lastly, we will stop by and visit our friends at Nintendo to hear about the newly announced Just Dance 4 and much more.
If you want to make sure that you do not miss what is going on at the show, follow @LittleTechGirl and @TechSavvyMama. You can also track our tweets at #AMDTechMom. And of course there is the #E3 hashtag.
Questions? Anything that you think I should check out while here? Anything you want me to ask any of the companies (if I can get close enough!), send me a tweet @LittleTechGirl so I will get a notification on my phone. I likely won’t be able to read this post while on the go!
Disclosure: AMD is providing travel expenses for my attending E3. All opinions are my own.
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