This Thursday I am hosting a fun event with Motorola to show off and celebrate the recent release of their Motorola Photon Q Smartphone on the Sprint Network. I received the phone a few days ago to try out and I am pretty impressed. It has been a long time since I used a smartphone with a physical keyboard. I switched over to using a touch screen device, and I have been pretty happy. However, I must admit that it is sometimes challenging. I have to concentrate, backspace, and deal with hysterical Swype auto-corrections that might end up on that *site*. Of course this still works for most short messages. But, some people prefer a hardware keyboard. And I have to admit, when a moment arises that I am out and I need to reply to an email at length, I get frustrated doing it on my touch screen.
The Motorola Photon Q has something for everyone. I will have a full review coming very soon, but so far so good. I am really loving this phone. If you are a lover of the touch screen, it has a nice large 4.3″ touch display. If you prefer a hardware keyboard, it has a lovely and very useful slide out one with a full number row. This means there is no need to have to press a function key to access your numbers which I appreciate. The phone comes with Android 4.0.4 (aka Ice Cream Sandwich), and this skin (GUi) is the closet I have seen to how Google designed it.
My other favorite feature so far is Smart Actions. I LOVE THIS!!! Smart Actions allow you to set actions on your phone based on time, location, motion, contacts, and more. And it suggests things based on what you do with your phone. The first night that I laid it on my nightstand, when I woke up in the morning it had suggested that I enable the “sleep rule”. It detected the time, and detected that my phone had been immobile for several hours, so it figured that I must be asleep. Some of the other actions include the meeting rule, low battery saver, drive smart, and workout mode which automatically plays your favorite playlist when you plug in headphones. Very cool!
This phone has other awesome features such as the Burst Mode Camera, full 1080p HD recording, and the very cool Circles display on the home screen. I will be covering all of that in my upcoming review.
Meanwhile, if you are in the Chicago area, and you would like to check it out the Photon Q for yourself and meet me and talk to some reps from Motorola, join us this Thursday at Cru, 25 East Delaware, Chicago, IL 60611 from 7pm – 9pm. You can get your hands on the device, hear about all the awesome features, and ask questions and get answers direct from the source.
I’ll be there greeting guests and showing off the phone. Also, I have a few spots left for my VIP list. My guests get to arrive an hour early for Wine, Cheese & Tech with LittleTechGirl. If you are interested in receiving an invite, please contact me asap. Or as stated above, join us at 7 when doors open to the public.
I hope to see you there!
See Also: Motorola, Wine, Cheese, & Tech Recap + More About the Photon Q
Disclosure: The Photon Q review and event are sponsored by Motorola. All opinions are my own.
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