ESRB ratings are put in place to help parents make informed decisions when purchasing video games for their kids. This time of year is the perfect time to familiarize yourself with the ESRB ratings and what each means. The ratings have been around for a long time. But do you actually pay attention to them when purchasing games? Or do you just buy whatever your kids ask for? You should pay attention. A lot of time was put into creating the ratings to protect our kids from inappropriate content. So, just as you would not put on a X-rated movie for your kids, you should not purchase a video game for them that contains content for a much older child. Grand Theft Auto was often in the news for its gory theme and adult content. Young kids should not lay eyes on that game. The ratings were put in place to help you make sure that does not happen.
Here is a video that I made along with some other bloggers talking about how the ESRB ratings helps our gaming decisions:
The ratings are very easy to follow, and every game package is clearly marked. Here is the chart:
Now, before you order all of the games on your child’s wish list, check the ratings!
I am also very strict when it comes to violence and my children. There are very few violent games or movies that I allow my children to play or watch. I sometimes feel in the minority though. My children do play Skylanders. They also play Raving Rabbids. Watch out for flying plungers.
I really go on my child and the game. Grand Theft Auto is a NO! COD NO! I won't even let the Fiancee play it in the house while the children are awake to see it. That being said, our big game purchase this year was Skylanders, which has a LOT of cartoon violence. I am not worried about my child hurling fireballs at people in his future. I find that some of the sports games (fighting in NHL10 anyone) can almost be worse. So while I heed the label, I also research the game and how it GOT the label.