Well… they didn’t. They were going for the cool factor. Facebook Home brings everything from your Facebook account up front so that you can see it at all times. When your phone turns on, you will see a background of photos that you friends have recently posted. In the foreground you will see recent statuses that you are following.
Your face (aka Profile pic) becomes the “unlock button” on the screen. Swype yourself up to get to your apps, left to get to FB Messenger, or right to open the last app that you accessed. You can also swype the screen left to get to more photos and status messages from friends.
This works a bit awkwardly if you use a lock screen on your phone. The concept is beautiful though.
all talk entertainment
Sounds interesting but I’ll leave mine as is. I like having my messenger separate and I figured out how to turn off the chat heads. I’m not a Facebook junkie like that and hadn’t even heard of this. I’ll be sure to share.
I HATE it! I hate the chat heads, the notifications, everything! lol
I didn’t like it. I have folders on some screens and it took the apps out of folders but only displayed some of the apps. I just didn’t like the feel of it. Plus, I like fb posts in chronological order.