Is it true that once you tell social media and the Internet that you are going to do something that you have to do it? Well, one can hope…
I need some motivation!! I need some “get it done” vibes. And I need some energy! Speaking of energy, I’ve been taking this GNC multivitamin for the past few months. It is the Energy formula. So yeah, I take that, a Calcium supplement, Vitamin C, B-Complex, and Biotin. I just read the back of my multivitamin and saw that I was supposed to be taking two pills a day. I’ve been taking one. Well that could explain why my energy level has NOT been off the charts. HA! So today I took the correct amount. I’ve kind of been on 10 all day so I guess that it worked. 🙂 Yes, reading is fundamental! And yes, there is a good reason why I take so many extra supplements even though I take a multi. And it’s a good thing that I do since I’ve been taking only half the dose!
Back to what I was talking about… I need to purge!!! I’ve been in my house for 10 years now, and I have a lot of stuff. There is some stuff here that came with us from the old house. It does NOT need to be here. There is old computing equipment in the basement, a high chair, a crib, and toddler bed, an old futon, and so much more. There is just SO much stuff that needs to go. All winter I’ve been telling myself that I was going to work on it. However, winter kept me both lazy and busy with other things. I cannot wait any longer! There are a lot of changes going on around here. I need less junk, clothes, and other household items to make it happen.
Even though I got married last June my husband has still not fully moved in! There are 2 reasons. The first is that his job is 72 miles from my house. That is quite the commute in Chicago rush hour traffic. I’ve done it. It is not pretty! Sometimes it can take him almost 2 hours to get to work. Not cool. The other is that I still need to make room! So we spend each week back and forth at my house or his house. And we hang together every weekend. But, it has to change soon! We have set a move-in date for this summer, now we have to make it work! He will need space for his clothes and other belongings. And since he is a music producer he needs office/studio space. We have the space, but umm… right now it’s full of junk!
We are working on moving closer to his job, but until then we have to get this house ready. We have about 60 days to clear the junk. I’m excited about it. It’s something that I should have done a long time ago. Heck, the stuff should not have been here! But I love having a solid reason and a deadline to force me to get it done.
The two most important areas are my bedroom and the basement. I refuse to share a photo of the pit of despair and junk that is the basement. But, here is a photo of only part of my walk-in closet after I started moving things around.
Just imagine more clothes packed in like that on the other side. Why do I have so many clothes? When did I get them?? (whistling away…) I never wear half of them. So… they must go! My goal is to clear half the closet. I will get rid of a bunch via donation, and move other things that I may want to wear some day into storage. But I must get rid of more than I keep!
First off I’m so glad that you shared “normal” pics of your home!!! We clearly kindred spirits in that lawd have mercy my house is the same. I have a 6yo that has taken over EVERY room and my 13 year old daughter…well that’s another story. I’m almost scared to go in her room for fear of getting lost! But I’m planning to purge a bunch of crap (like the 3 sizes small pants, etc) and get my house back in order. I won’t even mention our walk-in attic -_-
BTW, thanks for following me on twitter and love your site!
Thanks for the comment Alisha!! And thanks for the compliment 🙂
I can usually keep the rest of the house straight. But my bedroom, office, and kitchen? Those are the spots used the most, so those are the problem areas. I love planning parties or get-togethers because it gives me a reason to do a great deep cleaning every now and then other than just picking up. With 4 kids in the house it has the potential to get bad, but when required they can work hard. LOL! Luckily my since my girls are 12 and my boys are 9 they are pretty much out of the toy stage, so we packed up a bunch of that stuff to give a way a while ago. But there is still more to do!
So yeah… Spring break around here will be a cleanup party. LOL!