Do you have a PC laptop or desktop in your home that has seen better days? After years of use any computer can slow down. This is due to downloading apps, saving data, deleting files, drive defragmentation, and sometimes viruses and malware. I have one right here!
My old Dell desktop. I’ve had it over 9 years! While it does still work, it is definitely slower.
Besides working on my own computers, in my IT technician days, I had to troubleshoot, repair, and upgrade many, many, many PCs. No matter how many times you do it, the process is never exactly easy. Yes, I have a system and I know what to do, but some things never change. There are many parts in the process that are just a pain in the butt… backup the data, check and clean for viruses and malware, format the hard drive, reinstall windows, reinstall device drivers, reinstall software, move data back. Does that sound like a lot? It does to me, and I’ve done it hundreds of times! Yes, PC repair can be daunting. The average PC user may not know where to start.
FreshStart can help with that. Usually when you decide to upgrade your PC hard drive, you will have to go through many of the steps that I mentioned above… manually! FreshStart makes the process easier by having just about everything that you need preinstalled on a brand new, larger hard drive. It will even help you move your data! And it comes with a screwdriver, SATA connector, and detailed instructions.
Installing the FreshStart kit can take only 30 minutes. In this time your computer will:
- Run faster.
- Be guaranteed virus free & have a free 90 day trial license of Norton Security.
- Have all the same data, settings, photos, and music transferred from your old PC hard drive.
- Have more storage.
- Keep your old drive as a backup. All of your existing data will remain.
The FreshStart kit includes:
As mentioned the FreshStart kit comes as a bundle.
- A brand new, high capacity (500 GB for laptop, 1 TB for desktop) Western Digital hard drive
- A PC service screwdriver and an instruction book
- A SATA cable (plus power supply cord in desktop kits)
- A 90-Day trial of Norton Security Software preloaded on the new hard drive.
You’ll get our FreshStart Kit mailed to your door, and if you like a tech will come to you to install it! Click here for complete product details.
Installing the FreshStart Kit is not difficult.
Check out the video below to see how easy it is. This video shows a laptop kit, but the desktop version is just as easy. You remove the old hard drive. If your hard drive has brackets you move those to the new drive just as they were on the old drive, secure the drive in place, connect the SATA and power cables, and the physical part is done!
Will FreshStart Work on My PC?
The FreshStart kit can help you clean up and upgrade your PC desktop or laptop. FreshStart will work on a wide variety of PCs. In order for it to work, your PC must run the Windows 7 or later. It does not work on Mac computers. Your computer should also be able to power on and access the Internet. For full requirements and to see if your PC qualifies check the FreshStart site.
How Do I Get a FreshStart Kit?
You can order a FreshStart kit on or The laptop kit can be purchased for $159.00. The desktop kit is $169.00. Not sure that you feel comfortable doing it yourself? A FreshStart technician can come to your home and install it for you. Order your FreshStart kit on
If your PC is running slowly, you can use more storage, or you just want a FreshStart, consider this awesome kit that makes your computer like new in only a few easy steps. I personally think that this is a brilliant invention! The cost is not much more than buying a blank hard drive, so if you are looking to upgrade your PC definitely get the FreshStart kit!
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by FreshStart. All opinions are my own.
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