Spending time in nature is well-documented as a powerful holistic therapy for almost all known medical problems. However, at a grounded level, just a few minutes per day can contribute to vastly improved overall wellness and well-being, from socializing to required physical exercise.
Reconnecting with the Earth
Nature provides in many ways, and some are often surprising. Even a simple lawn can be enough to provide the recuperation you need. Feet contacting the earth through the grass (known as grounding) has been linked to pain relief, improved sleep, and even faster wound healing. However, a bit of DIY lawn care is required. A shorter lawn potentially provides greater benefits. If grounding isn’t for you, what about the smell of freshly cut grass on a warm morning?
Getting Closer to Other People
It’s very easy to shut yourself off and not want to go outside when things get tough. But any doctor will tell you that this can be a costly mistake. Everyone needs a social circle, whether it’s friends, family, or even a support group. But all too often, people can get anxious, and it spirals to the point of becoming isolated and lonely. However, park walks or cycling are great group activities. Of course, you can also get to know local dog walkers when taking out your pooch.
Spending Time in Nature Helps Mental Anguish
The connection between mental health symptoms and nature has been studied for a long time. A survey of most studies conducted found that 90% of research concluded with a positive outcome when looking at this connection. Articles studying depression, anxiety, and even diagnosed severe mental problems found that nature does indeed relieve some of the mental anguish. Even your tech can impact health, so we can all use a disconnect now and then.
Increased Essential Physical Exercise
Like shutting yourself in to avoid social situations, you can also neglect your physical care. Most doctors agree that just 15 minutes of walking or jogging a day can be enough to vastly reduce your chance of severe cardiac issues. Nature is welcoming and doesn’t discriminate. You can experience what the world has to offer by taking a brisk walk through your favorite park. Physical movement alone is enough to produce more serotonin and reduces cortisol.
Improved Brain Functions
Despite all the ads for energy drinks and suspicious supplements, there are only two things you need for energy and cognitive function. All you need is water and fresh air. Yes, that’s it! Water helps keep your cells operating how they should. Fresh air uses oxygen more efficiently, which gets pumped to your brain. The easiest way to get all you need is to take a quick walk outside with a bottle of fresh water. This is quick and easy and doesn’t come with a hefty price tag!
Grounding is a holistic approach to spending time in nature with some documented benefits. However, being in nature has also been linked to a reduction in many mental health issues. Just by being outdoors, fresh air will improve brain function through improved brain oxygenation.
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