YAYY!!! As I mentioned before I had been on the hunt for Mobile Broadband service. I had tested Clear 4G for a bit, loved it.. but the range across the US was not quite wide enough at that time, although they have expanded now. I compared their wireless broadband plans to those from some of the major cell phone companies and Comcast.
For now, I have settled on the Comcast High-Speed 2go, since I have been using them FOREVER and I have had no major problems and it all goes conveniently on the same bill. I have only had it for about 1 week and have not used it much yet. I have 30 days to decide if I like it or not, so I plan to use it a lot in the next 2 weeks or so. I’ll be traveling to Michigan next weekend so I will test it in various spots along to way and once I get there to make sure it’s all good.
I had also checked out the wireless internet offering from Sprint and Verizon, but the price was a little steeper.
Have you tested out any different services? What did you settle on? Depending on where you live, you can check out http://www.broadbandexpert.com.au/ or a similar site to see what is available. Also, ask your friends. Especially ask the ones who are business commuters that probably spend a fair amount of time traveling and using mobile service.
I look forward to using mine and no longer being restricted when the urge hits me to get some work done. Ok, ok… I’m addicted to the internet! Sue me. 🙂
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