Well times have changed for sure. Ashworth College has teamed up with blogging internet giant Izea to create a professional blogging degree. Wow. Who would have thought? Actually thinking about it, it makes perfect sense. It’s what’s hot. There are several people that are making money blogging and have made a career out of it. I have not been that lucky…. yet.
But I do love it. And in my day dreams I imagine making as much money as Dooce. Or maybe have a career like Chris Brogan. Yeah, that’s it. I do ok right now, but it is mere pennies compared to the big wigs. But, the money that I make from blogging does help ends meet sometimes. Or, it helps me be able to buy a cool new gadget every now and then. But mostly it’s just for fun. I do love my paying gigs. They keep me on my toes and force me to come up with fresh content from week to week. It never runs out. I have a running list of post ideas that I whip out when I can. Yes, I am making money blogging, just not enough to call it my number one job yet. Or to even brag about too much. 😉
But, I am now imagining just how useful it would be to have gone to a class to actually learn how to be a pro blogger. It does take a special type to just be able to take chances and decide that they are going to make blogging their main profession. I envy that. A lot. Making money blogging would be great. I mean enough money to actually call it my #1 job. Wow. Let me dream for a minute….
Ok, back to reality. 🙂 I’ll be back at work on Monday ready to work that 9 – 5. But hearing about a degree in blogging does make me wonder. Hmmm…..
Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Izea and Ashworth College. All opinions are my own.
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