Are you busy trying to make the world a better place with your non-profit organization? We’ve compiled a list of handy apps (mobile app developments) that can help you get the word out about the work you’re trying to do. After all, one of the biggest and most important hurdles for a not-for-profit is spreading knowledge about your cause. While every non-profit won’t come up with the next great iPad app development idea, there are plenty of apps worth incorporating into your outreach program.
So let’s get started with some apps for your smart phones and other mobile devices.
Professional Outreach
A LinkedIn profile is one of the first things that you’ll want to have. With a much more professional user base than other social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) you’ll make important connections here that could help you get your organization to the next step of development. The LinkedIn mobile app is great, it lets you quickly make updates to your profile, upload documents, and reply to messages.
Fund Raising
FundRaising Success for iPad is an invaluable app that will help along development of any non-profit. This app helps to outline different ways of raising funds for your N.P.O. FundRaising Success also helps you track how much you have raised, and how far you are from your target goal – a very useful way of keeping tabs on your fund raising efforts while staying completely mobile.
As you can see, some apps are great for finding like-minded professionals while others are beneficial for raising and tracking funds. But this is not the end of your outreach.
If you want to get the word out about your organization you’re going to need to work on Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, etc. These sites are very useful in keeping people informed about your cause. With a good page and steady updates, you can get people coming to you instead of having to look for supporters. With so many social sites to frequent, a site like Hootsuite can help you track and update all your social sites at once, keeping your supporters informed without wasting invaluable time.
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